QML debugging
Can anybody tell me where (or how) exactly should i set QML_IMPORT_TRACE ?
If running from the command line on Linux or OS X, it's often convenient to prepend it to the line you are running, e.g:
@QML_IMPORT_TRACE=1 qmlviewer myFile.qml@
This "wikipedia article":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_variable also provides a general overview of setting environmental variables on the various platforms.
What type of project is it? For a "Qt Quick UI" project (a project consisting of only QML files) you may have to specify a custom executable in order to be able to set environmental variables (for the screen shown "here":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator-snapshot/creator-run-settings.html#specifying-run-settings-for-qt-quick-projects, you'd need to change the run configuration to "custom executable", at which point a "Run Environment" section should appear below, which allows you to set environmental variables).
It might be worth raising this as a suggestion for the creator team (something along the lines of "make setting environmental variables for Qt Quick UI projects easier") via "bugreports.qt.nokia.com":bugreports.qt.nokia.com
how to setup in pro file ?