public function to set lineedit in mainwindow
Thanks for the reply,
I made the class myself.
void readingAvailable(struct valuesFromCanSensor candatasend)
this is the signal I emit in the tsp.cpp . In my tsp.h this function is under "signals:".
(As in the above code.)This signal should call the function tspVisualize.
So I don't get it why it is protected.
Ok sorry, I will post my code again:
So Lets start with the mainwindow.h
#ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include <QMainWindow> #include <tsp.h> #include <QMessageBox> namespace Ui { class MainWindow; } class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0); ~MainWindow(); public slots: void tspVisualize(struct valuesFromCanSensor candata); //This is the slot which get called after signal readingAvailable. private slots: private: Ui::MainWindow *ui; }; #endif // MAINWINDOW_H
Next I will show the mainwindow.cpp file
#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "canbus_socket.h" #include "tsp.h" MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } void MainWindow::on_searchButton_clicked() { TSP tsp_run(this); ui->Terminal_textEdit->appendPlainText("Start reading sensor"); tsp_run.can_tsp(ui->comboBox->currentText()); // Here I call the function can_tsp from the class TSP connect(tsp_run,&TSP::readingAvailable,this,&MainWindow::tspVisualize); // Here I connected the signal readingAvailable to the visualization. } // readingAvailable will be called at the end of can_tsp and will pass a structure to tspVisualize void MainWindow::tspVisualize(struct valuesFromCanSensor candata) { qDebug()<< "ID " << candata.can_id; ui->DT_lineEdit->setText(QString::number(candata.can_id,16)); // ... and visualize all other parameters from the passed structure }
next tsp.h
#ifndef TSP_H #define TSP_H #include <QObject> #include <QMessageBox> #include "mainwindow.h" #include <QDebug> class TSP : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit TSP(QObject *parent = 0); ~TSP(); struct valuesFromCanSensor{ // Set structure to send data to mainwindow.cpp int can_id; int can_DT; int can_DN; int can_SN; int can_S; int can_HW; int can_SW; int can_PV; int can_OP; int can_M; int can_B; }; signals: void readingAvailable(struct valuesFromCanSensor candatasend); // Signal which sends the data public slots: void can_tsp(QString cranT); private: struct valuesFromCanSensor candata; // initialize a new structure to save data into and send later on }; #endif // TSP_H
last tsp.cpp
#include "tsp.h" #include "canbus_socket.h" #include <linux/can.h> #include <linux/can/raw.h> TSP::TSP(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { } TSP::~TSP() { } int question=0; void TSP::can_tsp(QString cranT) { bool convStatus; Canbus_Socket canbus; int bdr; if(cranT=="CC2800-1") { bdr = 250000; } canbus.open_port("can0",0); // init canbus /***********************************************/ /*Set the first message into struct and send it*/ /***********************************************/ struct can_frame ncandata; /***************/ ncandata.can_dlc=2; /***************/ ncandata.can_id= 0; /***************/[0]= 01; /***************/[1]=0; /***************/ canbus.send_port(&ncandata); /***************/ /***********************************************/ /***********************************************/ qDebug()<<"Start messages on canbus"; int loop = 1; int *msgn; while(loop==1) { msgn = canbus.read_port(); qDebug()<< "id = " << msgn[1]; if(msgn[1]!=0) { qDebug()<< "ID known: " << (msgn[1]-384); loop=0; canbus.close_port(); } } qDebug()<< "out of ID loop"; canbus.open_port("can0",(1408+msgn[1])-384); qDebug()<< "port closed and new filter set"; while(question<10) { int fid[2]; //qDebug()<< "Start switch with question: " + QString::number(question,10); switch(question) { case(0): fid[0] =0; fid[1] =32; break; // CAN ID of sensor case(1): fid[0] =0; fid[1] =16; break; // CAN device type case(2): fid[0] =8; fid[1] =16; break; // CAN device name case(3): fid[0] =11; fid[1] =101; break; // CAN serial number case(4): fid[0] =0; fid[1] =101; break; // CAN status case(5): fid[0] =9; fid[1] =16; break; // HW ver`on case(6): fid[0] =10; fid[1] =16; break; // SW version case(7): fid[0] =7; fid[1] =101; break; // Profile version case(8): fid[0] =0; fid[1] =96; break; // Operating parameters case(9): fid[0] =1; fid[1] =96; break; // Measuring .units/revolution case(10): fid[0] =1; fid[1] =32; break; // Bittiming } /***********************************************/ /*Set the second message into struct and send it*/ /***********************************************//***************/ ncandata.can_dlc=8; /***************/ ncandata.can_id= 1536 + msgn[1]-384; /***************/[0]= 64; /***************/[1]=fid[0]; /***************/[2]=fid[1]; /***************/[3]=0; /***************/[4]=0; /***************/[5]=0; /***************/[6]=0; /***************/[7]=0; /***************/ canbus.send_port(&ncandata); /***************/ /***********************************************/ /***********************************************/ int *msgn2 = canbus.read_port(); convStatus=false; QString number = QString::number(msgn2[4],16); QString number1 = QString::number(msgn2[3],16); QString setting0 = QString::number(msgn2[9],16); QString setting1 = QString::number(msgn2[8],16); QString setting2 = QString::number(msgn2[7],16); QString setting3 = QString::number(msgn2[6],16); if(number.length()<2) number = "0" + number; // Make sure you have 2 numbers in your hex value if(number1.length()<2) number1 = "0" + number1; if(setting0.length()<2) setting0 = "0" + setting0; if(setting1.length()<2) setting1 = "0" + setting1; if(setting2.length()<2) setting2 = "0" + setting2; if(setting3.length()<2) setting3 = "0" + setting3; int idr = (number+number1).toUInt(&convStatus,16); qDebug() << QString::number(idr); int frep = (setting0+setting1+setting2+setting3).toUInt(&convStatus,16); qDebug() << "frep = "<< QString::number(frep); switch(idr) { case(8192): candata.can_id = frep; question=1; break; // CANid case(4096): candata.can_DT = frep; question=2; break; // Device type case(4104): candata.can_DN = frep; question=3; break; // Device name case(25867):candata.can_SN = frep; question=4; break; // SN case(25856):candata.can_S = frep; question=5; break; // Status case(4105): candata.can_HW = frep; question=6; break; // HW version case(4106): candata.can_SW = frep; question=7; break; // SW version case(25863):candata.can_PV = frep; question=8; break; // Profile version case(24576):candata.can_OP = frep; question=9; break; // Operating parameters case(24577):candata.can_M = frep; question=10; break; // Measuring units/revolution case(8193): candata.can_B = frep; question=11; break; // bittiming } } emit(readingAvailable(candata)); // send the signal so the data can be visualized in the mainwindow }
ok thats odd. looks ok from quick look.
must test in compiler to know for sureanyway, i say
void MainWindow::on_searchButton_clicked()
TSP tsp_run(this);
ui->Terminal_textEdit->appendPlainText("Start reading sensor");
tsp_run.can_tsp(ui->comboBox->currentText()); // Here I call the function can_tsp from the class TSP
connect(tsp_run,&TSP::readingAvailable,this,&MainWindow::tspVisualize); // Here I connected the signal readingAvailable to the visualization.
}TSP tsp_run(this); << wont this be DELETED long before it can ever say readingAvailable ?
its deleted as soon as on_searchButton_clicked ends since its local stack variable. -
When I send the signal within my class without I have no problems at all. When I try to connect in the mainwindow I get the previous error. Now I was playing a bit with the connect in the main function. When I did the following I get no error, but the SLOT also doesn't get called.
Thanks for the time to make example code.
It didn't work straight away, this because I use qt4.8 and you the newer one probably.
So I changed your code to the older syntax to get it working.I would like to thank you and all others for there help!
Again I learned a lot!Thanks for helping!