Animating the QListWidgetItem objects within the QListWidget
Hello all,
I am currently animating the QListWidget to have a fade in effect. However, I found out that I need to also animate the QListWidgetItem objects within the QListWidget. (unless someone knows how to propagate the animation to the QListWidgetItem objects )
My current method is to specify the Graphics effect for each item within the QListWidget and to animate that. However, when the animation attempts to run, I recieve an error stating I am attempting to animate a non-existing property opacity of my QObject.
So I was wondering, what is the best method in animating the QListWidgetItem objects within QListWidget?
Here is a small snippet of the code in questions:
QGraphicsOpacityEffect *fadeInBackEff = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(this); QGraphicsOpacityEffect *fadeInFinishEff = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(this); QGraphicsOpacityEffect *fadeInListEff = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(this); QGraphicsOpacityEffect *fadeInText1Eff = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(this); QGraphicsOpacityEffect *fadeInText2Eff = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(this); p_finishButton->setGraphicsEffect(fadeInFinishEff); p_backButton->setGraphicsEffect(fadeInBackEff); p_physicsList->setGraphicsEffect(fadeInListEff); p_physicsList->item(0)->listWidget()->setGraphicsEffect(fadeInText1Eff); p_physicsList->item(1)->listWidget()->setGraphicsEffect(fadeInText2Eff); QPropertyAnimation *fadeInBackAnim = new QPropertyAnimation(fadeInBackEff, "opacity"); QPropertyAnimation *fadeInFinishAnim = new QPropertyAnimation(fadeInFinishEff, "opacity"); QPropertyAnimation *fadeInListAnim = new QPropertyAnimation(fadeInListEff, "opacity"); QPropertyAnimation *fadeInText1Anim = new QPropertyAnimation(fadeInText1Eff, "opacity"); QPropertyAnimation *fadeInText2Anim = new QPropertyAnimation(fadeInText2Eff, "opacity"); fadeInBackAnim->setDuration(1000); fadeInBackAnim->setStartValue(0); fadeInBackAnim->setEndValue(1); fadeInBackAnim->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InBack); fadeInFinishAnim->setDuration(1000); fadeInFinishAnim->setStartValue(0); fadeInFinishAnim->setEndValue(1); fadeInFinishAnim->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InBack); fadeInListAnim->setDuration(1000); fadeInListAnim->setStartValue(0); fadeInListAnim->setEndValue(1); fadeInListAnim->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InBack); fadeInText1Anim->setDuration(1000); fadeInText1Anim->setStartValue(0); fadeInText1Anim->setEndValue(1); fadeInText1Anim->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InBack); fadeInText2Anim->setDuration(1000); fadeInText2Anim->setStartValue(0); fadeInText2Anim->setEndValue(1); fadeInText2Anim->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InBack);
@philm001 said in Animating the QListWidgetItem objects within the QListWidget:
So I was wondering, what is the best method in animating the QListWidgetItem objects within QListWidget?
There is no way.
In QtQWidgets you can only animate QWidgets. For animating list items you are very limited and can only be achieved with very cumbersome work (e.g. by overrriding the paintEvent() and animate the opacity of the painter while painting the specific item).In QML this could be done easily.
You can use
to implement similar functionality you want. But as @raven-worx said, it is a very cumbersome job. like this:auto w = new QWidget(this); auto item = listWidget->item(0); auto animation = new QVariantAnimation(this); connect(animation, &QVariantAnimation::valueChanged, [w](const QVariant &value){ w->setStyleSheet(QString("background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, %1)").arg(value.toInt())); }); animation->setDuration(1000); animation->setStartValue(255); animation->setEndValue(0); listWidget->setItemWidget(item, w); animation->start();
@Devopia53 Your solution works nicely but the background of the list is black. Only turns to white after the animation is finished and mouse moves over it. I ma looking into changing the background of the list back to white.
Any thoughts?
Other then that, it is working the way I am thinking!
the stylesheet declaration should rather look like this i guess:w->setStyleSheet(QString("QListView::item { background: rgba(255, 0, 0, %1)}").arg(value.toInt())