[SOLVED] Display highlight over the delegate in ListView
Hi All,
I'm trying to make highlight in ListView overlap delegates.
Documentation says that the default stacking order of delegate instances is 1 and of highlight is 0. I need to make it vice versa.Is that even possible? Next piece of test code doesn't work for me.
@import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
width: 640
height: 480
color: "green"ListView{ anchors.fill: parent focus: true spacing : 5 highlight: Rectangle { width: 200 height: 100 color:"red" z:100 } model: 3 delegate: Rectangle{ width: 100 height: 100 color: "blue" z:0 } }
You code works as expected. Tested with Qt 5.3.1 on Ubuntu 14.04
Good... Then please mark the post as solved.