popup on click for a TableView itemDelegate
Lets have following QML code snippet:
Component {
id: delegate
property var editableWidget;Text { anchors.fill:parent anchors.margins: 3 anchors.centerIn: parent elide: Text.ElideRight wrapMode: Text.Wrap text: styleData.value color: "black" } MouseArea{ anchors.fill:parent onClicked: { editableWidget=Qt.createComponent("MyBigPopup.qml").createObject(delegate) // The widget is not displayed outside the item "delegate" even with a higher z-index to the tableView } } }
@I would like to use a larger popup ( editableWidget) than the tableview cell.
The widget "editableWidget" is not displayed outside the item "delegate" even with a higher z-index than the tableView.
To place the item, I would like to use the system of anchors of the parent's widget.
I can of course attach the object directly to the tableView and use mapToItem but in this case, if the value of the scrollbar changed, the widget is not in the right placeDo you have a solution to see the entire popup with anchors system?
P.S.: Sorry if this is a duplicate. I didn’t find a similar thread.