QT Error with Twain Data Source
Below is the content of pro file
unix {
TEMPLATE = subdirs
}SUBDIRS = src
I have also shared entire project at below location for you.
Well Qt is just a normal c++ LIB
and those are normal windows API calls so fix them like you normal would.
seems to be unicode related.
Didnt it later become common to put _TCHAR or something in front ?
or use wchar_t* and not char * ?
maybe you can just use the A version of the API and not W version -
I wondered if
is something else than the twain you try ? -
It did not work. However i am able to resolve most of the error for data type conversion. I am now stuck at below, i am not able to go to definition\declaration of this method to make any change. I know how to do it in Visual Studio but not in QT. Can you please help
I have resolved all string related error. Now my project is showing this :-1: error: LNK1104: cannot open file 'freeimage.lib' . If i could find the Visual Studio equivalent or Project property in QT, that would be very helpful to very file the linker paths.
you mean to link the LIB file to the project ?
http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-project-qmake-libraries.htmlBasically you need a
LIBS += -L"3rdparty/CatWhisperer/lib" -lCatWhisperer
(with correct names of course) -
Thanks , this resolve the lib issue. Now below 2 error
14:31:45: Running steps for project src...
14:31:45: Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step.
14:31:45: Starting: "C:\Qt\qtcreator-4.5.0\bin\jom.exe"
c:\Qt\4.8.7\bin\qmake.exe -spec c:\Qt\4.8.7\mkspecs\win32-msvc2008 CONFIG+=release -o Makefile ..\src\src.pro
C:\Qt\qtcreator-4.5.0\bin\jom.exe -f Makefile.Debug
link /LIBPATH:"c:\Qt\4.8.7\lib" /NOLOGO /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /DEBUG /DLL /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:"debug\TWAINDS_FreeImage.intermediate.manifest" /OUT:debug\TWAINDS_FreeImage.dll @C:\Users\rathorb\AppData\Local\Temp\TWAINDS_FreeImage.dll.13524.62.jom
TWAIN_UI.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__SHGetSpecialFolderPathA@16 referenced in function "public: __thiscall CTWAIN_UI::CTWAIN_UI(class CTWAINDS_FreeImage *)" (??0CTWAIN_UI@@QAE@PAVCTWAINDS_FreeImage@@@Z)
debug\TWAINDS_FreeImage.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
jom: C:\ODIImages\Source\Twain\twain-samples-master\twain-samples-master\TWAIN-Samples\Twain_DS_sample01\build-src-Unnamed-Release\Makefile.Debug [debug\TWAINDS_FreeImage.dll] Error 1120
jom: C:\ODIImages\Source\Twain\twain-samples-master\twain-samples-master\TWAIN-Samples\Twain_DS_sample01\build-src-Unnamed-Release\Makefile [debug] Error 2
14:31:51: The process "C:\Qt\qtcreator-4.5.0\bin\jom.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project src (kit: Unnamed)
The kit Unnamed has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem.
When executing step "Make"
14:31:51: Elapsed time: 00:06.debug\TWAINDS_FreeImage.dll:-1: error: LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals