[SOLVED] qcombobox and clear()
this is the result that the debugger catch using the above code..
Warning: Object::connect: (sender name: 'AddItemPurchaseOrder')
Warning: Object::connect: (receiver name: 'CreatePurchaseOrder')
Fatal: ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::operator[]: "index out of range", file /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qvector.h, line 346
Scope for 20:
Symbol type is a variable with complex or multiple locations (DWARF2), length 4.
Symbol msg is a variable with complex or multiple locations (DWARF2), length 8.i tried everything as simple like inputting manual data in the qcombobox. and if there is already item/s in the combobox then an error appear... if i dont put initial item/s, it will only run correctly in the first, on second select, the error appears again..
QDevelop is not the same as QtCreator. And it is not a popup, it is part of the debug mode in that program.
Try this, on the commandline:
gdb path/to/your/executable
let your application crash, and then, still on the gdb prompt:
That should give you your stack/back trace.
i found the problem...
i disconnect first the signal in the dropdownProduct before using the clear().
void AddItemPurchaseOrderImpl::changeCategory(QString val)
disconnect(dropdownProduct, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(changeProduct(QString)));
bool firstrun = true;
if (val == "New Category") {
} else {
QSqlDatabase db = dbaseAddItemPO.dbConnect();
QVector<QMap<QString, QString> > products;
if (val == "Uncategorized") {
products = dbaseAddItemPO.getData("SELECT id, product_name FROM products WHERE category_id IS NULL");
} else {
QVector<QMap<QString, QString> > category = dbaseAddItemPO.getData("SELECT id FROM category WHERE category_name='" + val + "'");
products = dbaseAddItemPO.getData("SELECT id, product_name FROM products WHERE category_id='" + category[0].value("id") + "'");
if (products.size() != 0) {
for (int i=0; i < products.size(); i++) {
if (firstrun) {
QVector<QMap<QString, QString> > brands = dbaseAddItemPO.getData("SELECT brand_name FROM product_details WHERE products_id='" + products[i].value("id") + "'");
if (brands.size() != 0) {
for (int j=0; j < brands.size(); j++) {
firstrun = false;
dropdownProduct->addItem("New Product");
connect(dropdownProduct, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(changeProduct(QString)));
@and reconnect it at the end.
thanx to all your replies.. -
Glad that you found the problem, but I would really like to advice you to learn some basic debugging skills. Problems of finding why an application crashes are something every developer will have to diagnose, sooner or later. Getting and reading & understanding a backtrace is a basic tool to fix those.
@fcrochik said in [SOLVED] qcombobox and clear():
I would venture a guess that the error is not on these lines of code.
Most likely is something that you doing somewhere else while processing signals that get triggered by adding/removing items. For example you may have code to process when the selected item changes on the combo - clearing the combo and adding new items will probably trigger that.
Yes you are right. I also facing the same problem.
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