Qt framework for WinXP
I'm trying to install Qt framework on WinXP machine and quite tired of it.
According to this wiki:
Qt 5.5 should work. I've got qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013-5.5.1.exe from:
And it's failed during installation with "qmake.exe -query output can't be parsed". I've paused on this error and tried to launch qmake.exe by myself - it can't be launched. I've got "not a win32 application" error. So it's not XP compatible.
Then I tried qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013-5.5.0.exe - same result.
Now I'm downloading qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013-5.4.2.exeSo what's the latest Qt toolchain that could be installed on WinXP machine?
Is Wiki incorrect? -
Is the Xp fully patched ?
Must be service pack 3 as far as i recall.Also as far as i know Qt5.5 is the last that might just work
But they talk about beta of 5.6 so might have been fixed for 5.6Update:
Using 5.5.1, it just installed and ran in win xp sp 3
Using qt-opensource-windows-x86-mingw492-5.5.1.exeSince you seem to want to use visual studio , have you installed that first
and made sure its actually running ?For me, vs 2013, refuses flat out to install in win xp sp 3.
For from i understand visual stud 2013 does not support RUNNING on
win xp due to .NET.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18682092/visual-studio-2013-on-windows-xpso unless you really need visual stdio , mingw is a faster option.
Microsoft consider XP stone dead.Note: just so we are clear. Qt does not contain the actual visual studio compiler.
Its only compiled with the version mentioned in the name.Also there is a huge difference wanting to run visual studio on XP to
want to target Xp from say a win7 /8 / 10 using visual stud.I also tried VS2012 and it refused.
Visual studio 2010 seems happy. but did not tried installing it all. but installer would run. :)
That would match
from same folder.I think that is a new as you can get ON win Xp with VS.