[Solved]How to enable Layouts in splitter Horizontally or Vertically in Qt Designer
Hi all,
I am designing an ui. so i want to use Layout Horizontally in Splitter and Layout Vertically in Splitter. but these two are in disable mode. How can i enable them so that i can use them properly.
Thanx in Advance.
What do you mean, disabled mode??
Are you using designer? In my (just downloaded the latest version) designer it does not support splitters.
In code it is easy:
QSplitter * m_MainWindowSplitter_p = new QSplitter(this->centralWidget());
m_MainWindowSplitter_p->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical);// Application Layer widgets m_ScrollApplicationLayer_p = new QScrollArea; m_ScrollApplicationLayer_p->setWidgetResizable(true); m_ScrollApplicationLayer_p->setWidget(m_ApplicationLayer_wp); m_MainWindowSplitter_p->addWidget(m_ScrollApplicationLayer_p);
I am using qt creator . and my ui is opened in designer.
Actually I just want to set it through designer. but i can't select layout in splitter since i m not able to select them . where as i am able to use any other layout like horizontal layout, vertical layout or grid layout.
Ahh, I see in the new designer they added the QSplitter in the layouts.
<< Let's check it>>
First do a 'break layout" on your top level widget/layout. Then you are able to select the widgets you need and select the hor/ver splitter -
This is how it is showing splitter in disable mode. and i not using any layout till now so i can't click on break layout.
qxoz: you can use Picture tag for posting images
Well, it's correct. Widget could have only one layout. Other layouts must be inside this layout.
Take a look to "Using Layouts in Qt Designer":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/designer-layouts.html -
If you don't have any other layouts then to make them enabled you need to select the items that you want to split with a splitter.
!http://s29.postimg.org/yfr8wkopz/qtcreator_splitter_enabled.png()! -
Thanx to all of you for your valuable suggestion. Now I am very close to solution. Till an extend it is fixed.