Making Qtableview cell autosize
General and Desktop
The following code is used by me in my qt c++ application to retrieve data from a database when the user selects an option from a combo box and click the button! Though the data is retreived the text is too long to fully display in the table view cell so only a part of the text is visible! How can I adjust tableview cell size so that the the text is fully visible?
void Dialog::on_pushButton_clicked()
{QSqlQueryModel *modal = new QSqlQueryModel(); if(QSqlDatabase::contains("MyConnection")){ QSqlQuery* qry=new QSqlQuery(QSqlDatabase::database("MyConnection")); if(ui->comboBox->currentText()=="NEW"){ qry->prepare("Select DISPLAY_NAME from SER_MESSAGES where DISPLAY_NAME like '%New%' "); } else if(ui->comboBox->currentText()=="OLD"){ qry->prepare("Select DISPLAY_NAME from SER_MESSAGES where DISPLAY_NAME like '%Old%' "); } else if(ui->comboBox->currentText()=="CANCEL"){ qry->prepare("Select DISPLAY_NAME from SER_MESSAGES where DISPLAY_NAME like '%Cancel%' "); } qry->exec(); modal->setQuery(*qry); ui->tableView->setModel(modal); } }
Hi,go through the link hope it helps, -
Or you can use resizeColumnsToContents() method for the same. -
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