Write data from csv to float array
I have CSV file with 2 columns and 20 rows, how to write each column in to two float arrays. For example i could do it with QVector, but how to do it with arrays, there is array Fi and Lyamda.And how to convert QStringlist to Float?
float Fi[20]; float Lyamda[20]; int rowCount=0; QString line; QStringList qList; QFile File("F:\\data.csv"); QVector<float> z; if(File.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream out(&File); while(!out.atEnd()) { line=out.readLine(); line=line.mid(0,line.length()); qList=line.split(";"); z.append(qList[1].toFloat()); rowCount++; } File.close(); }
Jasur -
Why do you want c type array?
Its rarely it would offer any benefits over std::vector or Qt versions.Anyway, you need to keep track free index to insert in.
// rest
int FiFree=0;while(!out.atEnd()) {
Fi[FiFree++] = qList[1].toFloat();- .And how to convert QStringlist to Float?
You mean each string in the list to a float value?
Just loop it over and use toFloat().
- .And how to convert QStringlist to Float?
In what didnt work ? -
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Jasur on 2 Sept 2017, 17:40 last edited by mrjj 9 Feb 2017, 17:43
but it does know qList ?
Just type toFloat() then.it does work.
This compiles and write expected output.#include <QStringlist>
#include <qDebug>float list[10];
QStringList strlist;
strlist << "1.122";
qDebug() << list[0];update
Ahh i see what you mean.
in my sample, it wont auto complete anything on
At all. Must be a bug. -
Great thanks to you both.