how to set the background color equal to background color of stylesheets
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My back ground color is wrong 255 color gree 255 color blue 255 but in actual my background is grey how to get background color as grey
the solution is in your previous post :
// QColor rgb(150,150,150);
but you commented it outDo you understand the concept of RGB color values?
@Eddy I do understand the RGB values concept . but I do not want to set a harcorred color .,I want to keep the color of QLIneEdit same as that of it background , with out harding the RGB values my concern is
QColor rgb(QWidget::palette().color(QWidget::backgroundRole())); is not giving me proper background color of the frame ? how to get that -
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We already gave you the solution to that question in another postDid you try it? What is not ok with that solution?
no the color mismacthes from background and it is not perfect macth
You should do somethig like this
std:string clr = "background-color: rgb(" + std::to_string( + "," + std::to_string( + "," + std::to_string( + "); border: 0px;";
setStyleSheet(clr.c_str());Another way:
setStyleSeet("background-color: transparent; border 0px;");
I will try