[QTableView remove selected rows?
Yea, I am using that one.
But I have solved that by decrementing (and removing from the end of the table view, not from the beginning):
I shouldn't increment over the list and remove the first items because table was shifting rows after I have removed one - and that was making issues. So I had to write decrementing cycle and removing from the end of the table view - after shifting I am able to remove the correct row.From:
QList<int> rowIndexes;
for (int i = 0; i < rowIndexes.count(); ++i)
tableView->model()->removeRow(rowsIndexes[i]); // shifting rows after removing causes "bad removing"
QList<int> rowIndexes;
for (int i = rowIndexes.count(); i >= 0; --i)
@ -
Hi All,
We can do using this push button method for deleting row of table.
void MainWindow::on_delete_record_clicked()
{QSqlQuery* query=new QSqlQuery(); QString str4; str4 = ui->lineEdit_5->text();
// int id=str4.toInt();
QString str3;
str3 = ui->lineEdit_4->text();
query->prepare("DELETE FROM entry where id = 'id' ");
// query->addBindValue(":id");
//ui->tablewidget->removeRow(ui->tablewidget->currentRow());query->exec(); if (query->exec()) { QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("Delete"),tr("Deleted")); //db.close(); }
// get the selected indexes QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = tableView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); // make sure you are not deleting from a tree Q_ASSERT(std::equal(selectedIndexes.constBegin()+1,selectedIndexes.constEnd(),selectedIndexes.constBegin(),[](const QModelIndex& a,const QModelIndex& b)->bool{return a.parent()==b.parent();})); // sort from bottom to top std::sort( selectedIndexes.begin(),selectedIndexes.end(),[](const QModelIndex& a,const QModelIndex& b)->bool{return b.row()<a.row();}); QSet<int> deletedRows; // keep a record of rows already deleted for(auto i = selectedIndexes.constBegin();i!=selectedIndexes.constEnd();++i){ if(deletedRows.contains(i->row())) continue; //row deleted already, move on if(tableView->model()->removeRow(i->row(),i->parent())) // try to delete the row deletedRows << i->row(); // if successful store the row as deleted }
from http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsqlquerymodel.html:
The QSqlQueryModel class provides a read-only data model for SQL result sets.
Since it's read only it does not allow you to delete rows
QStandardItemModel + QSqlQuery https://forum.qt.io/topic/76135/qsqlrelationaltablemodel-and-complex-queries/21
QSqlTableModel http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsqltablemodel.html#details
QSqlTableModel or QSqlRelationalTableModel does that for you if you can live with simple queries. if you have convoluted joins then you'll have to connect to the model
signal and prepare the query manually -
... it's included as part of Qt's examples: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtsql-relationaltablemodel-example.html