[solved] Create a custom view
I tried to create a custom view. I want to place my Component on a circle for that i used a Repeater. I've done something like that :
property alias model :rept.model
property int size: 100Rectangle
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: size/2Repeater
x: area.width/2*(1+Math.cos(6.28/rept.countindex))-width/2
y: area.height/2(1+Math.sin(6.28/rept.count*index))-height/2
source:"img/"+iconFile //see model
}@That's working fine. But now I want to add a delegate to let the user place anything he wants, in this view. I know how to add a property Component for the delegate but how should i use it to duplicate the delegate for each item of the model?
Yes, I look around PathView. But I failed to add a variable number of points in my path. Like i can't use (or manage) Repeater.
I guess it's more interesting to did it without a pathView, just for challenge and learning. :)
Anyway, I will check Loader and if I failed I will use a PathView.
Thanks -
I've finished my custom view, thanks again for the advice, it was really helpful.
For the record, I show you my solution :
@import QtQuick 1.0
Item {
id:areaproperty alias model: rept.model
property Component delegate:Component { Rectangle{} }property real s: Math.sin(Math.PI/rept.count)
property real w_item: area.width*(s/(1+s))
property real h_item: area.height*(s/(1+s))property real w_circle: area.width-area.w_item
property real h_circle: area.height-area.h_itemRepeater
sourceComponent: delegate;
width : area.w_item
height:area. h_item
x: area.w_circle/2*(1+Math.cos(2Math.PI/rept.countindex))
y: area.h_circle/2*(1+Math.sin(2Math.PI/rept.countindex))