Dynamically adding children to a gridLayout
Hi all,
I need to add children to a gridLayout dynamically. Ids and content are supplied by a C++ object (controller). Here is the QML code I'm using:
GridLayout { id: gridLayout width: 100 height: 100 Layout.fillHeight: false columns: 3 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillWidth: true Component.onCompleted: { var imports = 'import QtQuick 2.7; import QtQuick.Controls 2.1; '; var defs = controller.getInputFieldDefinitions(); for(var i = 0; i < defs.length; i++) Qt.createQmlObject(imports + defs[i], gridLayout); } }
Here are the defs coming from the controller:
"Label { id: labelOmschrijving; text: "Omschrijving" }"
"TextField { id: textFieldOmschrijving; text: ""; selectByMouse: true }"
"Button { id: buttonOmschrijving; text: "x"; width: 2; onClicked: textFieldOmschrijving.clear() }"
"Label { id: labelSleufnr; text: "Sleufnr." }"
"TextField { id: textFieldSleufnr; text: ""; selectByMouse: true }"
"Button { id: buttonSleufnr; text: "x"; width: 2; onClicked: textFieldSleufnr.clear() }"
"Label { id: labelKleur; text: "Kleur" }"
"TextField { id: textFieldKleur; text: ""; selectByMouse: true }"
"Button { id: buttonKleur; text: "x"; width: 2; onClicked: textFieldKleur.clear() }"
"Label { id: labelDiameter_mm; text: "Diameter (mm)" }"
"TextField { id: textFieldDiameter_mm; text: ""; selectByMouse: true }"
"Button { id: buttonDiameter_mm; text: "x"; width: 2; onClicked: textFieldDiameter_mm.clear() }"
"Label { id: labelMateriaal; text: "Materiaal" }"
"TextField { id: textFieldMateriaal; text: ""; selectByMouse: true }"
"Button { id: buttonMateriaal; text: "x"; width: 2; onClicked: textFieldMateriaal.clear() }"
"Label { id: labelMedium; text: "Medium" }"
"TextField { id: textFieldMedium; text: ""; selectByMouse: true }"
"Button { id: buttonMedium; text: "x"; width: 2; onClicked: textFieldMedium.clear() }"
"Label { id: labelNetbeheerder; text: "Netbeheerder" }"
"TextField { id: textFieldNetbeheerder; text: ""; selectByMouse: true }"
"Button { id: buttonNetbeheerder; text: "x"; width: 2; onClicked: textFieldNetbeheerder.clear() }"The layout has 3 columns, each with a Label, TextField and Button (to clear the TextField).
It works (the objects are created), but the layout doesn't do its job properly anymore. That is, the children take their default sizes which is too large (wide), the layout should make them smaller. If I manually add the QML for one row it works fine.
Where does this go wrong? Hope someone can help...
Dimitri -
I think I found what the issue is. The TextField needs to get a 'Layout.fillWidth: true', then the children are properly resized within the GridLayout. But I cannot set this when I use Qt.createQmlObject, I get this error:
Error: Qt.createQmlObject(): failed to create object:
qrc:/inline:1:99: Non-existent attached objectApparently it doesn't know the parent GridLayout at that point..