How to use model to update Chart data
QML and Qt Quick
Hello Everyone,
I am using this example only the cpp file and my qml code is :/// this is the name of my model as given in the above example. I have just used customtablemodel.cpp and changed it to ScopeDataModel.cpp ScopeDataModel{ id:scopeModel } ChartView { id: chartView title: " Scope " anchors.fill: parent legend.visible: false antialiasing: true backgroundColor: "white" plotAreaColor: "white" titleColor: "white" ValueAxis { id: axisX titleText:componentData.readXAxisName min: componentData.changeXMin max: componentData.changeXMax tickCount: 1 } ValueAxis { id: axisY titleText:componentData.readYAxisName min: componentData.changeYMin max: componentData.changeYMax tickCount: 1 } LineSeries { id: lineSeries name: "Data Output" axisX: axisX axisY: axisY useOpenGL: true VXYModelMapper{ model:scopeModel xColumn:0 yColumn:1 series:lineSeries } } }
How can I use this model to instantiate tableview and other details in my code ?
Because I tried doing it like this but it did not update my data on the chart.