Memory leaks in Qt app
Hi! I have checked my app with Visual Leak Detector and it has found more than 2000 memory leaks.
Visual Leak Detector detected 2106 memory leaks (237576 bytes).
Largest number used: 238113 bytes.
Total allocations: 241457 bytes.How to fix these issues?
Hi! Are these leaks in your code or in code from the Qt framework?
Some in my code and some in qt:
VLD output:Qt5Cored.dll!QPauseAnimation::duration() + 0x44B42D bytes Qt5Cored.dll!QPauseAnimation::duration() + 0x456349 bytes Qt5Cored.dll!QPauseAnimation::duration() + 0x44CC79 bytes Qt5Cored.dll!QPauseAnimation::duration() + 0x505C71 bytes qwindowsd.dll!qt_plugin_instance() + 0xD7661 bytes Qt5Cored.dll!QPauseAnimation::duration() + 0x503988 bytes USER32.dll!CallWindowProcW() + 0x4F4 bytes USER32.dll!DispatchMessageW() + 0x1BC bytes Qt5Cored.dll!QPauseAnimation::duration() + 0x504392 bytes qwindowsd.dll!qt_plugin_instance() + 0xD7621 bytes Qt5Cored.dll!QPauseAnimation::duration() + 0x44607F bytes Qt5Cored.dll!QPauseAnimation::duration() + 0x4462C5 bytes Qt5Cored.dll!QPauseAnimation::duration() + 0x449196 bytes Qt5Guid.dll!QOpenGLFunctions_1_1::glVertex2iv() + 0x99E9D bytes
I'd say fix your bugs first and then look for known issues / report issues at
Ok. But how to fix this:
c:\..\..\qt projects\test\main.cpp (16): Test.exe!main() + 0x6 bytes
On 16 line is
return app.exec();
function? -
You need to check the body of your main() function for heap allocations / non-deleted objects. If you like, post it here, so we can try to find the problem together.
ManageStartup *appWindow = new ManageStartup(); appWindow->setParent(nullptr); return app.exec();
ManageStartup - QObject class, in this class I check some data before displaying the main GUI window.
Also I have noticed that Qt 5.7.1 in debug mode when debugging app takes more memory than in release. In Qt 5.7.0 memory management was the same in debug and release modes.
And that's a bug. You allocate
on the heap. As it is aQObject
, you could do the following:appWindow->setParent(&app);
In this case, once
gets destroyed (when control leavesmain
would automatically delete its child `` appWindow```.But right now,
has no QObject-parent, so you have to delete it by yourself.Or just make it a stack object:
ManageStartup appWindow;
Thanks. I have changed code to:
ManageStartup appWindow; appWindow.setParent(&app); return app.exec();
and check for memory leaks again, but the leak is still in main.cpp (16): Test.exe!main() + 0x6 bytes,
return app.exec();
#include <QApplication> #include <vld.h> #include "managestartup.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QThread::currentThread()->setPriority(QThread::HighestPriority); QSharedMemory sharedMemory(APP_NAME); app.setApplicationVersion(APP_VERSION); if (sharedMemory.create(1) && sharedMemory.error() != QSharedMemory::AlreadyExists) { ManageStartup appWindow; appWindow.setParent(&app); return app.exec(); } else { int userRespond = QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, QObject::tr("Test"), QObject::tr("Another instance?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); if (userRespond == QMessageBox::Yes) { ManageStartup appWindow; appWindow.setParent(&app); return app.exec(); } } }
That looks good to me so far. Now follow the call stack in the VLD log. I guess the next leak is in ManageStartup.
Ok. I will check it. Thanks.
Hi! I have fixed some memory leaks by changing objects from heap memory allocation to stack but some leaks still exists.
c:..\qt projects\test\test.cpp (2885): Test.exe!Test::event()
bool Test::event(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange) { appSettings.beginGroup("AppSettings"); if (this->isMinimized() && appSettings.allKeys().contains("minimizeToTray") && appSettings.value("minimizeToTray") == true) { setNotifyIcon(); showNotification(); this->hide(); } appSettings.endGroup(); } return QWidget::event(event); }
On line 2885 is
so I think something withreturn QWidget::event(event)
? Thanks in advance. -
The reported potential leak regarding
is a false positive, just ignore it. VLD simply isn't smart enough to understand what's going on.See also QCoreApplication Class:
the post event queue will take ownership of the event and delete it once it has been posted
Ok. Thanks.
My app gets WMI data and displays it as
, but it consumes to muchRAM
memory when changing languages.void MyApp::appOSThread() { try { osWorker = new Worker(); osThread = new QThread(osWorker); osWorker->moveToThread(osThread); connect(osThread, &QThread::started, osWorker, &Worker::appOSWMIData); connect(osWorker, &Worker::appOSData, this, &MyApp::osWMIData); connect(osWorker, &Worker::hardwareDataNotAvailable, this, &MyApp::osWMIDataNotAvailable); connect(osWorker, &Worker::errorNotSupportedOS, this, &MyApp::appNotSupportedOS); connect(osWorker, &Worker::finished, osThread, &QThread::quit, Qt::DirectConnection); connect(osThread, &QThread::destroyed, osThread, &QThread::deleteLater); osThread->start(); logData(QObject::tr("Application: gets OS information")); } catch (...) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QObject::tr("Error"), QObject::tr("An error has occurred with detecting OS!")); } } void MyApp::osWMIData(QStringList property, QStringList data) { int countOSProperties = property.count(); QString osProperty; QString osData; for (int i = 0; i < countOSProperties; i++) { osProperty =; osData =; osItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(osView); //osView - QTreeWidget osItem->setText(0, osProperty); osItem->setText(1, osData); } } void MyApp::appLocalization() { osView->clear(); appOSThread(); }
For example when app is started takes 30 MB when change language then it takes 3 - 5 MB RAM and when changing again it takes again 5 - 10 MB of RAM.
Any ideas?