Copy selected rows of a table to a model
I create a QStandardItem . How do I insert it in selected_rows_model?
QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = ui.devices_finder_tbl->selectionModel(); QModelIndexList list = selectionModel->selectedRows(); for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { QModelIndex index =; QStandardItem *qsti = new QStandardItem(; selected_rows_model->??? }
use setItem(int row, int column, QStandardItem *item) method.
Again, you don't need a new model, you need a proxy. While I still suggest KSelectionProxyModel (it's super easy to build with cmake and link) an alternative way is:
const int selectedRole = Qt::UserRole + 124; connect(ui.devices_finder_tbl->selectionModel(),&QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,[=](const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected)->void{ const QModelIndexList selectedIdx = selected.indexes(); const QModelIndexList deselectedIdx = deselected.indexes(); for(const QModelIndex& singleIdx : selectedIdx) ui.devices_finder_tbl->model()->setData(ui.devices_finder_tbl->model()->index(singleIdx.row(),0,singleIdx.parent()),1,selectedRole); for(const QModelIndex& singleIdx : deselectedIdx ) ui.devices_finder_tbl->model()->setData(ui.devices_finder_tbl->model()->index(singleIdx.row(),0,singleIdx.parent()),QVariant(),selectedRole); }); QSortFilterProxyModel* selected_rows_model=new QSortFilterProxyModel(this); selected_rows_model->setFilterRole(selectedRole); selected_rows_model->setFilterFixedString("1"); selected_rows_model->setsourceModel(ui.devices_finder_tbl->model());
@VRonin said in Copy selected rows of a table to a model:
Again, you don't need a new model, you need a proxy. While I still suggest KSelectionProxyModel
I tried it,but I had to include KSelectionProxyModel.h, KSelectionProxyModel.cpp, kdemacros.h etc etc. (and find - create these files)
Every time I added a file, ten more were needed.
I 'll try your solution. -
For reference, to build the module containing KSelectionProxyModel on windows with MSVC:
- install git
- install cmake
- clone the repository git://
- open the developer console (qtenv2.bat and vcvarsall.bat)
- run
set KDELIBPATH = C:\KDE mkdir build cd build cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX=d -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%KDELIBPATH% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG ../ cmake --build . cmake --build . --target install cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%KDELIBPATH% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../ cmake --build . cmake --build . --target install
this will install the module in C:\KDE
to link it, in your project add to the .pro file:
LIBS += -LC:/KDE/lib INCLUDEPATH += C:/KDE/include/KF5/KItemModels CONFIG(release, debug|release) { LIBS += -lKF5ItemModels } CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { LIBS += -lKF5ItemModelsd }
to install in other platforms/compilers you'll need to change the cmake generator (the part after
) a list can be found here: -
@VRonin I decided to follow your advice :) and try KDE:
- I installed git in G:\Program Files\Git.
- I installed cmake in G:\Program Files\CMake (and I put the G:\Program Files\CMake\bin in the PATH variable).
- I cloned the repository git:// in G:/kitemmodels
- I opened the developer console (qtenv2.bat )
Here, I don't understand what you mean by "and vcvarsall.bat", isn't my developer console the:
G:\Qt\Qt5.0.2\5.0.2\msvc2010\bin\qtenv2.bat? - I run (in developer console, my drive letter is G:)
Here I get the error: "CMAke error: the source directory G:/Qt/Qt5.0.2/5.0.2/msvc2010 does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt".
- I installed git in G:\Program Files\Git.
- I installed cmake in G:\Program Files\CMake (and I put the G:\Program Files\CMake\bin in the PATH variable).
- I cloned the repository git:// in G:/kitemmodels
- I opened the developer console (qtenv2.bat )
All good
Here, I don't understand what you mean by "and vcvarsall.bat", isn't my developer console the:
G:\Qt\Qt5.0.2\5.0.2\msvc2010\bin\qtenv2.bat?What compiler are you using? my guide is for MSVC, when you call qtenv2.bat for an MSVC compiler it prints out a reminder "Don't forget to run vcvarsall", that is the compiler environment setup, for MSVC2013 it's somewhere looking like
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat
here you have pass an extra argument to determine the platform, for exampleC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat x86
orC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat amd64
- I run (in developer console, my drive letter is G:)
Here I get the error: "CMAke error: the source directory G:/Qt/Qt5.0.2/5.0.2/msvc2010 does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt".
you just are in the wrong folder, use
cd G:\kitemmodels