Deploy problem with QtQuick.Controls 2.0
Hi all
In case you remember my previous posts ;) you know than I add qml form with QtQuick.Controls 2.0 into my project
when I run project in QtCreator all fine, but when I run app from application folder start problem
project running and main form appears, but when I try open form with QtQuick.Controls 2.0 they do not show
looks like missing some dll (but without QtQuick.Controls 2.0 all work fine because I already copy all needed dlls into "user application folder")
so maybe somebody know missed dllimport QtQuick.Controls 2.0
also I try to use with windeployqt following keys but with same result (main form appear, Control2 form no)
d:\Qt\5.7\msvc2013_64\bin\windeployqt.exe --release --dir d:\SVN\PROJECT\Qt\OracleDeploymentTool\release\x64_test --qmldir d:\Qt\5.7\msvc2013_64\qml d:\Dropbox\Work\Qt\build-OracleDeploymentTool-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_MSVC2013_64bit-Release\release\OracleDeploymentTool.exe
thanks for help
I had a similar problem. Manually copying these libraries helped me:
(because I used particles)Qt5QuickControls2.dll
Maybe that will help you too?
Regarding windeployqt - I gave up on it, for me it's easier to copy libraries myself.
hi @veryqtperson thank you for answer
yes I try add this dlls but looks like its not enough
maybe I should start copy dlls from bin one by one?(( -
Well, that's what I usually do.
But I start with copying all the libraries and then delete one by one to find out which are really needed :)
After some time you will know better which libraries are required for which type of application, so it gets easier. -
ok, thank you @veryqtperson
I'll try -
Do you have
QT += qml quick
And maybeimport QtQuick 2.7
beforeimport QtQuick.Controls 2.0
(I don't know if it's relevant)? -
ok problem solved
final file list in release folderplatforms qwindows.dll qml QtQml Models.2 modelsplugin.dll plugins.qmltypes qmldir StateMachine plugins.qmltypes qmldir qtqmlstatemachine.dll QtQuick Controls plugins.qmltypes qmldir qtquickcontrolsplugin.dll Controls.2 Material plugins.qmltypes qmldir qtquickcontrols2materialstyleplugin.dll Universal plugins.qmltypes qmldir qtquickcontrols2universalstyleplugin.dll ApplicationWindow.qml BusyIndicator.qml Button.qml CheckBox.qml CheckDelegate.qml CheckIndicator.qml ComboBox.qml Dial.qml Drawer.qml Frame.qml GroupBox.qml ItemDelegate.qml Label.qml Menu.qml MenuItem.qml Page.qml PageIndicator.qml Pane.qml plugins.qmltypes Popup.qml ProgressBar.qml qmldir qtquickcontrols2plugin.dll RadioButton.qml RadioDelegate.qml RadioIndicator.qml RangeSlider.qml ScrollBar.qml ScrollIndicator.qml Slider.qml SpinBox.qml StackView.qml SwipeDelegate.qml SwipeView.qml Switch.qml SwitchDelegate.qml SwitchIndicator.qml TabBar.qml TabButton.qml TextArea.qml TextField.qml ToolBar.qml ToolButton.qml ToolTip.qml Tumbler.qml Dialogs Private dialogsprivateplugin.dll qmldir dialogplugin.dll plugins.qmltypes qmldir Layouts plugins.qmltypes qmldir qquicklayoutsplugin.dll LocalStorage plugins.qmltypes qmldir qmllocalstorageplugin.dll Particles.2 particlesplugin.dll plugins.qmltypes qmldir PrivateWidgets plugins.qmltypes qmldir widgetsplugin.dll Templates.2 plugins.qmltypes qmldir qtquicktemplates2plugin.dll Window.2 plugins.qmltypes qmldir windowplugin.dll XmlListModel plugins.qmltypes qmldir qmlxmllistmodelplugin.dll QtQuick.2 plugins.qmltypes qmldir qtquick2plugin.dll qt.conf icudt54.dll icuin54.dll icuuc54.dll libeay32.dll libssl32.dll msvcp120.dll msvcr120.dll qgenericbearer.dll qnativewifibearer.dll qquicklayoutsplugin.dll Qt5Core.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Network.dll Qt5Qml.dll Qt5Quick.dll Qt5QuickControls2.dll Qt5QuickTemplates2.dll Qt5Widgets.dll qtquick2plugin.dll qtquickcontrolsplugin.dll ssleay32.dll vccorlib120.dll windowplugin.dll OracleDeploymentTool.exe
@Galbarad , thanks for the sample folders layout - it helped me to partially resolve the similar issue with missing
(like "module "QtQuick.Layouts" is not installed
However doing this manually is too tedious, so I'd vote forwindeployqt.exe
which does its job (in Qt5.15.5) quite good (especially after you limit the copied modules with the options).