Qt in VS2008
i've installed qt-win-opensource-4.7.1-vs2008 and qt-vs-addin-1.1.7 but when i start a new qt windows ce application it's give me an error..
Select your target platform:
There are no Qt/CE platforms defined.
Please add your Qt/CE build in the Tools/Options/Qt/Builds dialog.These are currently selected Qt modules:
Core, GUI
Click Finish from any window to accept the current settings.
What should I do.
Qt is not build with CE target.
See this "link":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/install-wince.html (they use VS2005 it their example, but it should be similar for VS2008)
Also this "link":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/requirements-wince.html can be helpfulSo you need to build Qt framework, and my recommendation is to download the Qt sources and build that to target CE.
You need:
"Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK":http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=06111a3a-a651-4745-88ef-3d48091a390b&displaylang=en
"Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional Developer Tool Kit":http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=20686A1D-97A8-4F80-BC6A-AE010E085A6E
""Qt Source for CE":http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/win-ce-cpp"
"Opengl ES 2.x":http://www.imgtec.com/powervr/insider/utilities/OGLES2_WINDOWSMOBILE6_ARMV4I_2.07.27.04After installations:
- Start "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt"
- cd to qt source path and run
bq. configure -platform win32-msvc2008 -xplatform wincewm65professional-msvc2008 -no-webkit -no-openssl -nomake demos -nomake examples -declarative -opensource -opengl-es-2 -no-qt3support -no-webkit -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -graphicssystem opengl -no-libjpeg -no-libtiff -no-libmng -no-scripttools -no-multimedia -debug-and-release
(You can customize parameters if you need)
3. runbq. cd bin && setcepaths.bat wincewm65professional-msvc2008 && cd ..
- Set path for OGLES
bq. set INCLUDE=C:\Imagination Technologies\POWERVR SDK\OGLES2_WINDOWSMOBILE6_ARMV4I_2.07.27.0484\Builds\OGLES2\Include;%INCLUDE%
set LIB=C:\Imagination Technologies\POWERVR SDK\OGLES2_WINDOWSMOBILE6_ARMV4I_2.07.27.0484\Builds\OGLES2\WindowsMob6ARMV4I\Lib;%LIB%- run nmake
thanks for your explain Vass
but it's giving error again.
!http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/4759/ekranalntsjj.jpg!i want to remember that. i download and setup first this programs
**qt-vs-addin-1.1.7that's true ?
[EDIT: fixed image link, Volker]
I think you should install .Net Compact Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Update before nmake.