A Qt5.2 RC1 QML/Webkit App made into Mac App Store
There is P2 bug on Mac App Store rejecting Qt 5.1+ QWebkit library
https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31419Unfortunately, QML/Quick library have hard dependency on QWebkit. Not being able to submit to Mac App Store is a big deal to many of us Mac developers. Qt dev team have been doing a wonderful job and I hope they would add more priority to this bug.
In the mean time, base on Marius Schumacher's description, I was able to find a brute-force tweak after 2.5 days and I documented the steps in the bug comments. For those who are willing to recompile from source, yes, it is possible to submit 5.2 QWebkit app to Mac app store. Others will just have to wait.
I hope this post will encourage more Qt apps in the Mac app store. At the same time, raise Mac awareness and priority to the Qt Dev management team.
In case anyone interested, here is my app - Kuva Post for Facebook
Kuva Post is a menubar app to help you quickly share on Facebook and get back to your work / life / game without distraction. Between the full featured Facebook website and you, kuva post is the perfect companion to help simplify your day.