How to display a picture
I found what i sought :
QStringList fileNames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, tr("Open Image"),"/path",tr("Image Files (*.jpg)"));
But i got all files, and i just want .jpg for now """"""tr("Image Files (*.jpg)"));"""""""""" dont work ?
then i want to put my picture file in a label, but i can't find how to convert a QStringList to a Qimage or Qpixmap
it should work with *.jpg.- but i can't find how to convert a QStringList to a Qimage or Qpixmap
Oh just use
fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
tr("Open Image"), "/", tr("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)"));It only returns the 1 filename. ( NOTE THE MISSING s)
ui->mylabel->setPixmap( new QPixmap(fileName ));
If u are using QImage
m_imageLabel = new QLabel; QImage imagePixmap; imagePixmap.load(":/new/prefix1/Images/imageName.extension"); m_imageLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(imagePixmap));
Only QPixmap
m_imageLabel = new QLabel; QPixmap imagePixmap; imagePixmap.load(":/new/prefix1/Images/imageName.extension"); m_imageLabel->setPixmap(imagePixmap);
imageName.extension can be image.png, image.jpeg.
@Pradeep-Kumar said in How to display a picture:
If u are using QImage
m_imageLabel = new QLabel; QImage imagePixmap; imagePixmap.load(":/new/prefix1/Images/imageName.extension"); m_imageLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(imagePixmap));
Only QPixmap
m_imageLabel = new QLabel; QPixmap imagePixmap; imagePixmap.load(":/new/prefix1/Images/imageName.extension"); m_imageLabel->setPixmap(imagePixmap);
imageName.extension can be image.png, image.jpeg.
U didnt read the thread i think :-).
But thx@mrjj Lol no problem :-)
Thanks it works i will create an other thread for an other question after -
Thread says how to display a picture
Is this the thing?.
correct me if i was wrong. -
@Pradeep-Kumar said in How to display a picture:
Thread says how to display a picture
Is this the thing?.
correct me if i was u just answer the question after 5 guys answer me.
Hmmmmmmmmmm was toooooooooooo late.:)))
Thanks it works i will create an other thread for an other question after
If it is working can u mark thread has solved, so it will be useful in future.
u have already marked as solved for this thread.
Anyways in the right bottom of the topic u will see topic button and u see mark as solved under the topic button, click on it.
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