QTableView drag columns to move them
I'm using Qt 5.7 and am trying to move columns around by dragging them. Googling this I find that setSectionsMovable(true); should do the trick, but it doesn't.
In my setup I have the following
ui->tvRMA->setModel(&_displayModel); ui->tvRMA->setSortingEnabled(false); ui->tvRMA->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); ui->tvRMA->horizontalHeader()->setSectionsMovable(true);
This does everything that I want except allow me to drag columns around. What more needs to be done?
Hi mjsurette,
I think, because it is a view linked with a model, you have to implement some current model function with that be possible. You setting the view, you may have also to setting the model now.old thred on qtcentre.org:
texte du lien
texte du lienhope this will help you, tell us/share your solution when fixed.
Thank you @jerome_isAviable for your reply. I did check out your links, but sadly they were of no help.
Changing the model in order to change the view breaks the whole model-view concept of separating the data from the display. Changing the model would change all views, not just the current one. Having movable columns should be on a per view basis for what I want.
Your first link involves changing the model as you suggest, which is not what I need.
The second link suggests calling setColumnMovingEnabled() which is the Qt3 equivalent of setSectionsMovable() if I'm reading this right.
Any other thoughts?
I will post the solution if/when I find it.
Well, it now works. The problem is I don't know how. I started working on another feature and when I came back to this it was working. There is no call to setSectionsMovable(). I did a grep on 'mov' and only two results, neither of which have anything to do with this.
For now, this is a mystery.
After much experimentation and some luck I found the solution to this mystery.
On startup I had
which restored invalid information from previous sessions with different layouts. Clearing the database of previous sessions brought back the proper behaviour.