2d graphics tutorials?
hi there, i am new to qt and i am trying to "get something done" since two or three days now.
but i am getting frustrated. What I want to do: draw (rotate, translate, scale) any kind of 2d textures
and later i want to use keyboard/mouse input to make a little game.
I am familiar with opengl3.3, but since it does not work on any computer, i dont want to use it (i am using linux but there is no graphics driver for my graphics card).
so i want to use those QPait classes.
Is there any TUTORIAL which explains how to do that?
there[http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtwidgets/examples-graphicsview.html] are some examples but there are files missing and there is no explanation. Actually this[http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtwidgets/painting-affine.html] is what i want to do, but those are not complete and it seems only to work on windows. -
Have you seen "this page":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtwidgets/graphicsview.html?
And please edit the links in your message: they contain an ending bracket making them unusable.
If you are making a game, I would recommend using QML and JavaScript as you can make much faster progress with these technologies compared to C++.
Also, using a game engine might be of interest for you which handles many of the things needed in games. We have built a Qt-based game engine called "V-Play":http://v-play.net which also has a Free version so feel free to try it. To get you started quickly, you can see the "BallonPop Game Tutorial":http://v-play.net/doc/howto-balloon-game.html or "How to make a physics-based game with QML":http://v-play.net/doc/vplay-entity-concept.html.
Cheers, Chris