Strange problem with macdeployqt tool on Qt 5.7 Beta
Re: [SOLVED] macdeployqt problem
Hi everyone!
I have a strange problem after use command macdeployqt on my mac. I have a project with custom UI elements where I using Qt.labs.controls. If I build and run application without macdeployqt all works fine but if I run macdeployqt tool to my app bundle the application is broken and can't lunch. There is error message:
$ NestleanClient/ argc: 1 argv: 0x7fff58319a90 DESKTOP QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component qrc:/qml/main.qml:326 Type ApplicationDetailView unavailable qrc:/qml/Applications/ApplicationDetailView.qml:142 Type ApplicationTestsResultsView unavailable qrc:/qml/Applications/ApplicationTestsResultsView.qml:255 Type CreateTestcaseView unavailable qrc:/qml/Applications/Testcases/CreateTestcaseView.qml:320 Type CustomComboBox unavailable qrc:/qml/Components/CustomComboBox.qml:3 module "Qt.labs.controls" plugin "qtquickcontrolsplugin" not found Segmentation fault: 11
As you can see application can't find module in qtquickcontrolsplugin. The command how I call macdeployqt tool:
/Volumes/HPDD/Applications/Qt/Qt5.x/5.7/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt <full_path_to_app>/ -qmldir=<full_path_to_qml_files_folder>/NestleanClient -verbose=2
The full log you can find here.
What I can do to fix this problem? Thanks for the any help.
Qt version: 5.7.0 beta 1 (official beta release from DMG).
Hi everyone!
I've test the command and all works fine if I commented module "Qt.labs.controls 1.0". But if I use this model I receive error every time when I try to use macdeplotqt tool.
QmlApplicationEngine failed to load component qrc:/qml/main.qml:340 Type ApplicationDetailView unavailable qrc:/qml/Applications/ApplicationDetailView.qml:140 Type ApplicationTestsResultsView unavailable qrc:/qml/Applications/ApplicationTestsResultsView.qml:243 Type CreateTestcaseView unavailable qrc:/qml/Applications/Testcases/CreateTestcaseView.qml:302 Type CustomComboBox unavailable qrc:/qml/Components/CustomComboBox.qml:3 module "Qt.labs.controls" plugin "qtquickcontrolsplugin" not found
I think the problem with plugin. I'll wait RC version of Qt 5.7 maybe this bug will be fixed.