How to pass multiple objects one after another in to loop..?
Hi mrjj,
Thanks for replying sorry for writing the question in such a enigmatic way.
The thing i want to do is after creating multiple multiple qTableWidgetItems that can accept a selection in the form of checkboxes and when ever the user clicks on quit button all the checkboxes that are selected need to be unselected.a = new QTableWidgetItem("a"); a->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); b = new QTableWidgetItem("b"); b->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); . . . . z = new QTableWidgetItem("z"); z->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);
and i am unchecking them in the below way
a->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); b->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); . . . z->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);
To avoid huge no of lines i am trying to uncheck each item by passing the objects in to for loop as stated in above my post
QStringList items; items<<"a"<<"b"<<....<<"z"; for(int i=0; i<items.size(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem = new QTableWidgetItem; }
Thanks in advance,
Rohith.G -
@mrjj said:
Ok, but you have access to the items via the
table->item(i, j);
That is how you can get the items to uncheck them.
What is wrong with that way?--
this code makes no sense to me. Its not valid.
Items is a stringlist so
" QTableWidgetItem"
makes no sense to me. you cannot write like that.
Its a list of strings and have nothing to do with QTableWidgetItem.for(int i=0; i<items.size(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem = new QTableWidgetItem; }
Hi mrjj,
I have tried by following your method as below
int iColumns = table->columnCount(); int iRows = table->rowCount(); for(int i = 0; i < iRows; ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < iColumns; ++j) { qDebug("Inside the for loop"); QTableWidgetItem* pWidget = table->item(i, j); pWidget->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); // myList.append(pWigdet); } }
But this is compiling fine and after running when ever the quit button is clicked
It is entering into the slot but the gui was closing by apperance of below line
"The program has unexpectedly finished." -
please insert check
if (pWidget)
pWidget->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);if it still crashes, then put break point on and see what line.
Also, table is your table , correct ?
You have new it and added the items to it? -
Hi mrjj,
Your Code was working and sorry to say this i have written the object name and display string name differently```
//Previous Syntax
z = new QTableWidgetItem("z");
z->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);//New Syntax
z = new QTableWidgetItem("X");
z->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);Can you please help me to solve as per new requirement
The thing is that code that you have posted is working
if the both the object name and displaying name are same then the the operation uncheck is working it meansz = new QTableWidgetItem("z");
z->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);in the above code z is the object name and the data present in double qoutes "z" is the data that display on GUI, your code was executing
QTableWidgetItem* pWidget = table->item(i, j);
table->item(i,j) is retreving the data that we are writing in the doublequotes which will display on GUI it was not retreving the object name of item that i have created using QTableWidgetItem *z(ObjectName) = new QTableWidgetItem("Z"(data displays on Gui));if(z(pWidget)
z(pWidget)->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked)but know i have changed my syntax to
z = new QTableWidgetItem("X");
z->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);Hope You understand now,
Rohith.G -
sorry, im not sure i understand
z = new QTableWidgetItem("z");
z->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);z is just a variable name of type QTableWidgetItem *
"z" is the Text for the QTableWidgetItem .table->item(i, j); do not care how u inserted the items.
This would do the sameQTableWidgetItem *MyItem = new QTableWidgetItem("z");
MyItem->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);and table->item(i, j) would still work.