[SOLVED] QSqlTableModel::insertRow() from QSortFilterProxyModel
I am trying to get a new row inserted into a QSqlTableModel from a proxy model.
I am aware of the map{To,From}Source methods, but I am not having much luck. Probably because I don't get the logic behind this.
Right now I am trying this:
QModelIndex index_this;
QModelIndex index_source;// get row count from the source model int row = myBudget->models.cases_and_accesories->sourceModel()->rowCount(); // this, unfortunately, does nothing in the proxy model, which is what I'd like myBudget->models.cases_and_accesories->sourceModel()->insertRow(row); index_source = myBudget->models.cases_and_accesories->sourceModel()->index(row, 4); index_this = myBudget->models.cases_and_accesories->mapFromSource(index_source); ui->tableView_cascosYAccesorios->setCurrentIndex(index_this); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << QString("index_this: %1, %2; index_source: %3,%4") .arg(index_this.row()).arg(index_this.column()) .arg(index_source.row()).arg(index_source.column()); ui->tableView_cascosYAccesorios->edit(index_this);
qDebug() reports that index_source has sane and adequate values, but index_this is -1,-1, so, unsurprisingly, I can't edit anything in the proxy model (there's no new row either, so no surprise there).
I am sure there must be something simple I am missing...
Can anyone help me on this one? I have looked at the examples, the addressbook particularly, and they seem to pick the row from the source model, just as I do. But surely there's some other bit that I am not getting.
Thank you for any help.
I'll answer myself.
The problem has, in fact, nothing to do with the proxy (well, it has, but not in the direct way that I thought).
After losing a few valuable hours of work, I thought of commenting out the filters, and it started working. I just had to add to the setFilterRegExp() expression the empty string.
[/code]The '|^$' did the trick. The rest of the code remains similar to the one I was using above,
QModelIndex index;
QModelIndex sourceIndex;
int row = myBudget->models.presupuestoCompleto->rowCount();
sourceIndex = myBudget->models.presupuestoCompleto->index(row, 4);
index = myBudget->models.doors_and_drawers->mapFromSource(sourceIndex);
[/code]Just need to do the index mapping, and it works!
Thank you for reading and sorry for the noise ;)