Flash, PDF and plugins
Files of type PDF, MPEG, MP3, SWF (in word files that use other plugins on QWebView) receive incorrect X and Y position in the QWebView.
Even within a <OBJECT> failure occurs.
If the *SWF* is in an *<OBJECT>*, it works normally (does not occur the BUG). With the *SWF* this problem only occurs if opened by *QWebView::loadURL*. With PDF the problem occurs with both *QWebView::loadURL* as with *<OBJECT>*, try opening http://pdfobject.com/ in a *QWebView*
Example of the problem with <object> ( loadURL http://pdfobject.com/ ):
!https://bugreports.qt-project.org/secure/attachment/36904/problem-in-qwebview.png(error in QWebView with <object>)!See the picture:
!http://s21.postimg.org/h2bcpveg7/image.png(qt webkit, plugins problems)!Example of the problem with AdobeReader and FoxitReader:
!http://s17.postimg.org/mvw977qy7/image.png(plugin position)!Maybe a bug in QT.
Example (bin and source):
- Windows 7 32bit/64bit
- Windows 8 32bit
- Adobe Reader 11
- Adobe Flash 11
- QT versions 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.1.0, 5.2.0RC1
- Mingw4.8