How to get the double value converted to QString retaining value
i have a question where i have a double value if , i try to convert to QString , the value entered will not be the same , i require the same number after converting to QString .
i have a sample program
double val = 459351301240397001;
qDebug () << "Double value :" <<val<<endl;quint64 valint = val; qDebug () <<"qint value : "<<valint<<endl; QString valuestring = QString::number(valint); qDebug () <<"string value : "<<valuestring<<endl;
the output i got is :
Double value : 4.59351e+17
qint value : 459351301240396992
string value : "459351301240396992"
but i want the same number
double val = 459351301240397001;
when converted to QString. please help me out. -
Floating point types, like
, are a terrible way to store large integer numbers.Your problem is not conversion to string. The double value is already stored skewed because of a limited precision at that order of magnitude. If it's an integer (like 459351301240397001) then strore it as such , and don't convert it to a floating point variable, as a loss of precision is inevitable in that case. If you need to store numbers even larger than that you'll need to use a library providing such types, e.g. GMP or TTMath.
@Chris Kawa
I have prepended char value to double value and while getting the output i am removing the prepended value. so i have retained the original value.