QT Installation - Connection Refused
I'm attempting to install QT on a new PC, unfortunately i can't get passed the QT Account login page.
I've attempted to both log in to my existing account and to create a new account but I always get the same error "Connection Refused".I'm installing "Qt 5.5.0 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2013, 650 MB)" using the offline installer (in hopes to avoid this issue) but unfortunately I can't get any further. I believe the issue may be related to me being being a proxy. When I installed it on my old PC I had a similar issue and after a few days of searching I found a suggestion to install via command prompt with some referenec to proxy.
I've attempted installing via CMD with the flags "-system-proxies", "set http_proxy=http://webproxy.PROXY:PORT" but this hasn't helped.
I've searched online for the last week but haven't been able to find anything which seems to have worked (and I can't find the post that helped me last time.
Are there any suggestions on how to fix my issue?
Many thanks.