TableView highlight column on mouse-over
I have a TableView and would like to highlight the column that the mouse is over.
I can do the visual part by drawing a rectangle in the itemDelegate.What I am struggling with is getting the column index the mouse is over.
I found the function tableView.__listView.columnAt() but it always returns -1Here is the relevant part of my tableView qml...
property int mouseColumn: 0 itemDelegate: Item { id: item Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "Green" visible: { // highlight the column the mouse is over if(styleData.column == tableView.mouseColumn) true else false } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onPositionChanged: { var coordinates = item.mapToItem(tableView, mouse.x, mouse.y) // TODO: how to find column index at coordinates, columnAt always returns -1 for some reason tableView.mouseColumn = tableView.__listView.columnAt(coordinates.x) } } }
Ive been looking into this a bit more myself and ive found that the TableView headerVisible property makes a big difference. I am currently hiding the header.
always returns -1.When
works correctly.Id like to keep the table's header hidden if possible, hopefully a workaround for
is possible.Also, im on Windows with Qt5.5.1 mingw if that makes any difference.