How to use QTableView & Model
What about the refresh rate of the tableview? Meaning when is data() called? Why is it that everytime I mouse over or out, or clicking on a cell, data() will be called for all of the cells? This is extremely crucial as it seriously affects performance.. I need it to be realtime
data(...) is called every time cell has to be re-drawn.
Even though it is always a good idea to keep your code robust it may be as fast as simple returning array value at specified index and is not going to cause any visible delay cause drawing cell will be always slower.Remove your debug statements from there and you will see no delays there if you do not do complex computation within it.
Mentioned by bsomervi QStandardItemModel to my mind is too heavy if you want simply display predefined data. But most of the time , especially if your code would run only on desktops with relatively small number of rows/columns you will not notice any difference.
Oh wow! I didn't know the debug statement uses so much resource.. Speed wise is all good now, still a little slower with the widget but definitely a lot faster as compared to previously. Thanks! :))
But how would u suggest I do this then? I will have a variable to store a users selection from a drop down list, then based on this variable's value, when a user selects a cell it should appear as a different color, probably from a predefined set of colors.
For example: 0=red,1=blue,2=green
So when user picked 1, and select a cell, the cell within be blue, then the user proceed with choosing 2, then select the cell next to it, and that cell should be green. So you should see the two boxes side by side one being blue and one being green. -
@alex_malyu What is so heavyweight?
#include <QApplication> #include <QString> #include <QStandardItemModel> #include <QtWidgets> #include <QDebug> int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { QApplication app {argc, argv}; QStandardItemModel model; model.appendRow (QList<QStandardItem *> { new QStandardItem {QStringLiteral ("item 1")} , new QStandardItem {QStringLiteral ("item 2")} , new QStandardItem {QStringLiteral ("item 3")}}); auto yellow_item = new QStandardItem {QStringLiteral ("item 4")}; yellow_item->setBackground (Qt::yellow); model.appendRow (QList<QStandardItem *> { yellow_item , new QStandardItem {QStringLiteral ("item 5")} , new QStandardItem {QStringLiteral ("item 6")}}); model.connect (&model, &QStandardItemModel::itemChanged, [] (QStandardItem *item) { qDebug () << QStringLiteral ("item(%1, %2) value[%3]") .arg (item->row ()) .arg (item->column ()) .arg (item->text ()); }); QTableView view; view.setModel (&model); view.connect (&view, &QTableView::clicked, [&model] (QModelIndex const& index) { auto * item = model.itemFromIndex (index); qDebug () << QStringLiteral ("item(%1, %2) value[%3] clicked") .arg (item->row ()) .arg (item->column ()) .arg (item->text ()); }); (); QObject::connect (&app, &QApplication::lastWindowClosed, &app, &QApplication::quit); return app.exec (); }
@bsomervi said:
new QStandardItem {QStringLiteral ("item 1")}
Simplicity of usage has nothing to do with complexity of implementation or memory used and efficiency in general.
When you have values already stored somewhere and all you need is to return the specific value does not make any sense create an additional array or do any additional memory allocation etc.
Functionality provided by QStandardItemModel is not needed for such trivial tasks.
All you need is to return value.
With the same results you could suggest to use QTableWidget.
Or better example - you are not using stl vector when using one variable is sufficient.
Do not take it as an offence. -
@cherple said:
But how would u suggest I do this then? I will have a variable to store a users selection from a drop down list, then based on this variable's value, when a user selects a cell it should appear as a different color, probably from a predefined set of colors.
For example: 0=red,1=blue,2=green
So when user picked 1, and select a cell, the cell within be blue, then the user proceed with choosing 2, then select the cell next to it, and that cell should be green. So you should see the two boxes side by side one being blue and one being green.To specify color you need in the in the same data(... ) handle Qt::DecorationRole
I will assume you already know value (v) below:int v =....
if (role == Qt::DecorationRole)
if ( v == 0 )
return QVariant(QColor(Qt::red));
else if( .... )
,,, ;
You had to return color you wanted depending on a row, column or value.
I returned red as an example.As for check status you probably handle more than Qt::DisplayRole and Qt::DecorationRole.
From the top of my head it might be Qt::CheckStateRolePost code of your data(...) function.
This is my data:
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)
Return data[row][col];
Else if (role = Qt::DecorationRole)
//if ( selectionVar == 0 )
return QVariant(QColor(Qt::red));
//else if( .... )
}For now I just wanted to test the functionality so I just set it as red irregardless of my selection mode. I wanted to see if only my selected cell will be red.. But all the cells become a checkbox with red back ground.. I tried the checkstaterole before and it's the same.. The cells become a check box with the colored background.. I will try to take a screenshot later
I am a bit surprised handling decoration role has such effect (checkbox),
bu t I believe overriding
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags ( const QModelIndex & index ) const
should solve it. Something like :Qt::ItemFlags myClass::flags ( const QModelIndex & index ) const
return Qt::ItemIsSelectable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled; // make sure not to return Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable
}As for color, model can define cell color, but it does not have any idea what is selected in specific view.
So, if you want to change color of only selected cell you need to do it on QTableView level.
Or at least you can let model know that this cell is selected and need custom color every time
selection is changed. For example add array or map which will keep color per cell and set values there, use this container in data to define cell color.
In this case it had to be used with a single view, but I do not think it is a problem for you. -
I'm unable to link the image at the moment. I've reimplemented the flags function as u suggested but it remains the same. In my cell, there will be a check box on the left and the whole cell will be painted red.
Just to confirm, all I had to do was to include the flags function in my model's header file and the flags function in the cpp right? I'm not sure why this is happening :/
Sorry that was my fault - DecorationRole displays icon/picmap.
So these are not checkboxes.Replace Qt::DecorationRole with role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole.
Something like:QVariant MyModel::data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const { if ( index.isValid() ) { if( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) { QString str = QString("%1:%2").arg (index.row()).arg (index.column()); return QVariant( str ); } else if( role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole ) { if( index.row() == index.column() ) return QVariant(QColor(Qt::red)); else if( index.row() < index.column() ) return QVariant(QColor(Qt::yellow)); else return QVariant(QColor(Qt::green)); } } return QVariant(); }
And you do not need flags anymore.
No worries, it isn't your fault, because I tried backgroundcolorrole and it returned the same results before.
After entering ur code, this is what it looks like:
The code:
My table view settings: -
Could you post all code for whole model class and may be table view subclass?
As for now I can only see one potential problem -
you do not check that index passed to data is valid,
which you should do,Code I posted works for me when my model subclass is set to QTableView.
Check if it works for you,cpp:
#include "mymodel.h" #include<QColor> #include<QVariant> MyModel::MyModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractTableModel(parent) { } MyModel::~MyModel() { } int MyModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const { return 5; } int MyModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const { return 7; } QVariant MyModel::data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const { if ( index.isValid() ) { if( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) { QString str = QString("%1:%2").arg (index.row()).arg (index.column()); return QVariant( str ); } else if( role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole ) { if( index.row() == index.column() ) return QVariant(QColor(Qt::red)); else if( index.row() < index.column() ) return QVariant(QColor(Qt::yellow)); else return QVariant(QColor(Qt::green)); } } return QVariant(); }
#pragma once #ifndef MYMODEL_H #define MYMODEL_H #include <QAbstractTableModel> class MyModel : public QAbstractTableModel { Q_OBJECT public:; MyModel(QObject *parent=NULL); ~MyModel(); int rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const; int columnCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const; QVariant data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const; private: }; #endif // MYMODEL_H
The only difference between our code is the number of row and column returned, as well as this:
MyModel::MyModel(QObject *parent)
: QAbstractTableModel(parent)
{My code uses QWidget instead of QObject. My constructor only sets data into gridNum[r][c] which is being returned in data(). Other than that I don't see any difference.. Damn this is frustrating..
- Try to replace your data() , rowCount, columnCount with mine.
- Did you override QTableView? If yes try to see what happens if you use QTableView class instead of your view with default options set.
@cherple It works with Qt 4.8.6. I do not have earlier version to check .
It might be a Qt problem. But I doubt it.
Have you tried my suggestion to use my model as it is together with QTableView?
All you need on top of code above is main like:#include "mymodel.h" #include <QtGui/QApplication> #include <QTableView> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QTableView w; MyModel* model = new MyModel(); w.setModel( model );; return a.exec(); }