Individual function invokation
Does anyone know how QML objects invoke C++ functions individually? Now, that's very general, so I'll try to explain what I mean with an example.
For example, I have a custom qml component that I use as a button element. For it I call a function from C++ that updates a counter attribute in a C++ class which keeps track of how many times the button was pressed and upon changing that value, a text on the button is also changed to display the new value.
Rectangle {
MouseArea {
id: marea
anchors.fill: parent
//myObject is an exposed C++ class
//ButtonPressed() is an invokable function that increments the button counter
onClicked: myObject.ButtonPressed()
}Text { id: bText ... } //buttonCounterChanged is emitted from my C++ class onButtonCounterChanged: bText.text = myObject.getButtonCounter()
Rectangle {
id: container
Component {
id: mydelegate
MyButton {}
}ListView { id: buttonView model: ListModel { id: buttonModel } delegate: mydelegate }
@When I run my app, I have created some number of buttons and by pressing each of them the number shown is the individual number of presses for each button.
I am trying to figure out how does QML keep track of the individual number of button presses in this case - since my component is a delegate. Do the buttons react to different signals?