how to sync zoom in two graphicviews with a single mouse wheelevent.
i have a tab, in that tab, i added two frames(frame is separate class).this frame class calls the graphic view class(graphicview is also a seperate class). In the grapicsview class i am displaying images through graphicscene. this graphicsview consists of mouse wheelevent, when the mouse wheel is scrolled,the image gets zoomed in/out, my requirement is when i zoom one image both images should zoomed. please help me how to approach this, and provide your valuable suggestions or solutions. please help me.
Hi and welcome
Many ways to do this, but here is my suggestion.Add a signal to your graphicview class
signals: void MWheelActivated(bool ZoomIn);
and hook it up to a slot in your mainwindow with the connect function. in GraphicsView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e)
emit MWheelActivated ( (e->delta() > 0));
and No zooming here!Then in mainwindow slot
mainwindow:: MWheelActivated ( bool ZoomIn ) { if ( ZoomIn ) { view1->zoomIn ( 6 ); view2->zoomIn ( 6 ); } else { view1->zoomOut ( 6 ); view2->zoomOut ( 6 ); } }
Hope it helps.