QJSEngine add custom object
I am trying to use a script to plot a graph in my program.
I am using QCustomPlot and it works fine if used in my C++ code.
However, if I pass the QCustomPlot to the QJSEngine like this:QJSEngine myEngine; QCustomPlot *graph = new QCustomPlot; QJSValue scriptgraph = myEngine.newQObject(graph); myEngine.globalObject().setProperty("graph",scriptgraph);
And my script looking like this:
graph.addGraph(); graph.xAxis.setLabel("TESTX"); graph.yAxis.setLabel("TESTY"); graph.replot();
The QJSEngine will throw the following error:
result: 1 : "ReferenceError: addGraph is not defined"
Which makes me think that the object is passes but not the classes it has. Am I missing something here?
Hi,I am getting:
result: 1 : "ReferenceError: addGraph is not defined"
with my script looking like:graph.addGraph(); graph.xAxis.setLabel("TESTX"); graph.yAxis.setLabel("TESTY"); graph.replot();
and wrapping the graph like this:
QCustomPlot *graph = new QCustomPlot; ui->verticalLayout->addWidget(graph); QJSValue scriptgraph = myEngine.newQObject(graph); myEngine.globalObject().setProperty("graph",scriptgraph);
And yes, I cleaned, reran Qmake and even rebuild everything but without succes.
Am I running into a limitation of QJSEngine? If so, what would be the wisest thing for me to do? I would really like to access objects like the above, if that is not possible, would QTQuick with QML be anything for me? If I read this it looks like that what I am trying to achieve is relatively simple in QML with QtQuick. However, I do not have QtQuick installed at the moment so I would have to rewrite all my existing code to use the
import "script.js" as scipt
function, correct? If not, how would this be done in my Qt Creator project?Thanks! :)
Hi,I am calling it like this:
QString fileName = "customlogic.qs"; QFile scriptFile(fileName); if (!scriptFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { }// handle error QTextStream stream(&scriptFile); QString contents = stream.readAll(); scriptFile.close(); QJSValue result = myEngine.evaluate(contents, fileName); if (result.isError()) { qDebug() << "result: " << result.property("lineNumber").toInt() << ":" << result.toString(); }
Have you tried giving argument to addGraph()? I don't remember whether the default argument translate well to javascript. If that still doesn't work, you can try to make add a dummy QObject class with Q_INVOKABLE functions to your engine to see if the problem is in your code or some possible interaction with QCustomPlot