QGLWidget::renderText() generates multiple strings on the screen on different heights.
I'm using QGLWidget (together with libQGLViewer at the moment for convenience) to create a grid and show the camera distances.
On the grid, there are quads drawn with the distance to the camera inside as text.
For this I'm using QGLWidget::renderText(double x, double y, double z, ...)Now, the text seems to be render several times, on different heights. More like a ghosting effect.
(I have a picture showing this behavior, but no server to put it on. Perhaps a nice addition for the QT forum ?!?)glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); qglviewer::Vec cam = parent->camera()->position(); qglviewer::Vec vec = qglviewer::Vec((minx+maxx)/2, (miny+maxy)/2, MAP_HEAT_SHOW_HEIGHT_TEXT); qreal dist = sqrt(POW(vec.x - cam.x) + POW(vec.y - cam.y) + POW(vec.z - cam.z)); QFont font = QFont(); if(dist < 30) { font.setPointSize(10); } else if(dist < 48) { int fsize = 10; fsize -= (fsize * (dist-30) )/20; font.setPointSize(fsize); } if(dist < 48) { glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,(float)MAP_HEAT_ALPHA); parent->renderText(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, QString("%1").arg(dist), font); }