[SOLVED] Encoding UTF-8, QStandardItem and cross-compiling
Hello all.
I'm developing a desktop application on Qt 5.5. I'm on a Ubuntu 14.04 environment, but I need the application to work on both Ubuntu and Windows. For that, I am using MinGW, which works fine.
My application is accessing some web services which return xml files, encoded in UTF-8, with a lot of non-english characters. I parse the xml using rapidxml, and (tipically) store some information on a QMap<QString, QString> sctructure. The code I use for that is something like this:mapaOrgaos[oName.item(i)->text().toUtf8()] = oID.item(i)->text().toUtf8();
Here both oName and oID are instances of QStandardItemModel.
After that, I add the map keys to a Combo box, like this:ui->ComboOrgaos->addItems(mapaOrgaos.keys());
On Ubuntu, everything works fine. But when I cross compile for Windows, the texts shown in the combo box are not correctly encoded (the text shows quotation marks over a black background for non-english characters).
I've been searching the web for a week trying to find out what might be the problem. One important thing to add is that the encoding works fine for strings that do not pass through a QStandardItemModel object. For example, literal strings (used in labels) or xml results passed directly to a text box show correctly encoded text.
Any ideas for what can be causing this? -
yes, you're right. Actually I've put the "toUtf8()" hoping that it might solve the problem, which of course it doesn't.
Same problem if I just useoName.item(i)->text()
This post is deleted!
As I mentioned before, I use rapidxml for the parsing job. It works with c strings, so I created an interface between the parser and the Qt framework, to handle the conversion between QStrings and char *. It goes something like this:int clParser::parseXml(QString qstrDoc) {// qstrDoc holds the XML // I found that the easiest way to handle the conversion is through a QByteArray bytes = new QByteArray(qstrDoc.toLocal8Bit().constData(), qstrDoc.toLocal8Bit().size()); bytes_allocated = true; try { oXml.parse<parse_validate_closing_tags>(bytes->data()); } catch(parse_error e) { return -1; } if(oXml.first_node()->first_node() == 0) { return -2; } else { return 0; } }
Now for the actual data extraction part. I created a logic to translate a XML document into a table. The method below feeds a QStandardItemModel with values from the column "qstrColName", belonging to entity "qstrEntName", whose parent is "qstrParentName".
void clParser::getColumn(QString qstrParentName, QString qstrEntName, QString qstrColName, QStandardItemModel &oCol) { int i = 0; int iDepth; // Again, the QByteArrays are used to convert between QString and char * QByteArray byteParent(qstrParentName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), qstrParentName.toLocal8Bit().size()); QByteArray byteEnt(qstrEntName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), qstrEntName.toLocal8Bit().size()); QByteArray byteCol(qstrColName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), qstrColName.toLocal8Bit().size()); char *strColName = byteCol.data(); char *strParentName = byteParent.data(); char *strEntName = byteEnt.data(); // Look for the first ocurrence of entity xml_node<> *nodeFirst = oXml.first_node(); xml_node<> *nodeEnt = find_first(strEntName, iDepth); xml_node<> *nodeParent = 0; if(nodeEnt==0) { return; } xml_node<> *nodeCol; xml_attribute<> *attr; while(nodeEnt != 0) { // Look for a node with the same name as the column nodeCol = nodeEnt->first_node(strColName); if(nodeCol == 0) { // No node found, I loop through the attributes attr = nodeEnt->first_attribute(strColName,byteCol.size(), false); if(attr != 0) { i++; // HERE IS WHERE THE DATA GETS ACTUALLY TRANSFERED oCol.appendRow(new QStandardItem()); std::string strtmp(attr->value()); oCol.item(i-1)->setText(QString::fromStdString(strtmp)); } else { nodeEnt++; } } else { while(nodeCol != 0) { i++; oCol.appendRow(new QStandardItem()); if(nodeCol->value_size() == 0) // Missing data oCol.item(i-1)->setData(QString("NA")); else { // HERE, AGAIN, DATA GETS TRANSFERED std::string strtmp(nodeCol->value()); oCol.item(i-1)->setText(QString::fromStdString(strtmp)); } nodeCol = nodeCol->next_sibling(strColName); } } // To treat cases where there are entities and parents with the same name if(i > 0) { if(nodeEnt->next_sibling(strEntName) == 0 && qstrParentName.compare(QString("")) != 0) { nodeParent = nodeEnt->parent(); while(nodeParent != nodeFirst && strcmp(nodeParent->name(), strParentName) != 0) { nodeParent = nodeParent->parent(); } if(nodeParent == nodeFirst){ return; } nodeParent = nodeParent->next_sibling(); if(nodeParent) { nodeEnt = first(strEntName, nodeParent); while(nodeEnt == 0) { nodeParent = nodeParent->next_sibling(); if(nodeParent == 0) { break; } nodeEnt = first(strEntName, nodeParent); } } else { break; } } else { nodeEnt = nodeEnt->next_sibling(strEntName); } } } }
Hi. Why are you calling toLocal8Bit() and not toUtf8() when converting your xml from QString to char*? As you know for sure it's utf8, you shouldn't rely on the system to get the proper encoding.
Oh well. I didn't have a reason for doing that, it was just plain ignorance.
I corrected that, and also one more thing. I eliminate the std::string fromstd::string strtmp(attr->value()); oCol.item(i-1)->setText(QString::fromStdString(strtmp));
Standard c++ strings might not cope well with UTF-8 encoding. So I changed it to
QString strtmp(attr->value()); oCol.item(i-1)->setText(strtmp);
These two changes combined have solved it. Thank you very much!