Qxt v0.6.2 isn't installing on Qt 4.8
I would like use QxtGlobalShortcut for global shortcut handle. I download Qxt v0.6.2 from libqxt.org and install it how say this "guide ":http://dev.libqxt.org/libqxt/wiki/user_guide
I run configure.bat, after that - make, then make install. In folder "С:\Qxt" was created binary files and include headers.But folder "C:\Qxt\doc" is empty, though it must have documentation for Qt assistant in \doc\html\qxt.dcf.
And I added in my *.pro-file
CONFIG += qxt
QXT += core guiAnd #include <QxtGlobalShortcut> not compiles - QtCreator don't see library.
Though qxt.prf place in QtDir/mkspecs/features correct