Build QtCreator with VS 2013 on Windows
I am trying to build QtCreator from git, using .
I start up VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command prompt, and cd into the qt-creator build folder.
I executes the command:
qmake -r ../qt-creator/qtcreator.proThis works fine, and then I do the nmake command.
The building of QtCreator goes fine until it comes to the file expanddata.cpp, line 47.
It looks like the compiler doesn't support the initializer lists used in the file:
return { path, displayName };I have read in that this is indeed supported in vs2013, so I don't understand why it doesn't work.
If I fix the file by initializing the QStringList in an ordinary way, the compiler stops again when it meets a new file with the same initializing of list.
How can I make this work?
C:\Users\MyrvoldI\Documents\MyQtCreator\qt-creator\src\plugins\projectexplorer\expanddata.cpp(47) : error C2661: 'QStringList::QStringList' : no overloaded function takes 2 arguments