Qtilities Logging
Hi all,
I'm trying to use the Qtilities logging component in my application.
Everything works fine if I log from the main thread, but if I log from another thread, like:LOG_TRACE ("Worker::init");
nothing is actually being logged, and I see on the debugger output window:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'Logger::MessageType'
(Make sure 'Logger::MessageType' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)Any hints?
Thanks in advance
Massimo -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I don't know about that library but the error message means your code (or the library) is using a custom type as argument of a SIGNAL/SLOT.
Here you'll find information about that.
You should check with the author(s) of the Library if you're using it in the right way
Thanks for replying, but I already knew that :-)
The library is definitely causing that.
Apparently not so many people are using it, so I might consider using something else if I can't sort this out quickly. Finding a simple and STABLE, thread safe logging library is apparently a difficult task...