Borderless Window on Mac OS X
As i am new to Qt 5.4 on Mac OS X.I have wondering how to achieve Borderless Window and customising Mac OS X Window with my Window.
Code i used:
setWindowFlags( Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint);
yeah it make my window customizable and hides "minimise","maximise","close" window.
And i add my own customized "minimise","maximise","close" button.
Also i used following code to achieve Mac functionality using following code:
Minimise Window :window()->showMinimized();
window()->setWindowState(Qt::WindowMinimized);Maximize window:
if(window()->windowState() == Qt::WindowMaximized)
Quit Window:qApp->quit();
Please can some one help me how to add minimise,maximise and close functionality in Mac OS X using Qt.As i think i need to write some code in objective C++.i tried that but its not compiling as well giving error for HIViewGetWindow undefined:
ChangeWindowAttributes(HIViewGetWindow(HIViewRef(window()->winId())), kWindowSideTitlebarAttribute, 0);
Hello All,
Please can some one reply to this my post as i am stuck in making customise window in Mac OS X how Steam Launcher has achieved on Mac OS X.Also Blizzard has not achieved on Mac OS X , they haven't customised a window like that.