What happened to the "Qt is Evil" spammer?
Anyone who is here for more than a few months must have definitely come across the particular spammer I am talking about.
He used to constantly post in questions with the same message about the evils of corporations and the such. Only to finish with a mad crescendo on how we all live on earth thus...<some argument>...qt is evil, and even having the famous blue pearl photo of earth.
I sort of missed reporting him every once in a while...
@ealione said:
I sort of missed reporting him every once in a while...
Haha! I must admit I don't share that sentiment ;-) Cleaning up after his/her mess was a chore and a waste of time.
A few of us tried to reason with him, but he had already made up his mind and wasn't open to discussion.
I agree, he was quite dedicated.
I remember receiving notifications, and I'd be happy believing that someone had replied to my post, only to see his usual message.
At some point even I was tempted to talk to him/her.
As far as I can tell, we lost our resident troll when we took the Qt Account into use. It has better spammer identification and doesn't accept one use e-mail accounts.
I kind of miss the person, but not the spam. I hope he has gotten his life in better order. The last rants were getting kind of weird.
He hasn't been posting comments to the blog lately either, not that they ever got through moderation.
@tekojo said:
I kind of miss the person, but not the spam. I hope he has gotten his life in better order. The last rants were getting kind of weird.
That's very kind and noble of you. Now I feel somewhat immature for my last post. Thanks for setting the bar high for this community!
@JKSH well, it is what I see here. People help each other. It should not be about what their issue is.
Also I know people with mental issues, and as far as I can tell he was showing symptoms which would require proper help too, but talking and listening are a good start (in this case those didn't really help, as he had his mission).
Korean spam you say eh? Interesting... even though I would not be able to tell a regular post from spam if it was in Korean.
I never did understand the spammer mentality though, I can't Imagine myself feeling some sort of gratification from it.
The Korean stuff links to some site, so it's either trackback spam (better search result ranking) or relies on someone clicking the link (this one does not make sense to me, as creating an account takes time, so the work needed to post is quite high).
So I'm guessing it's trackback spam. And I haven't seen any this week. So probably the work to get the link here outweighs the benefit of having the link here for a really short while before it is deleted.
@ealione said:
I agree, he was quite dedicated.
I remember receiving notifications, and I'd be happy believing that someone had replied to my post, only to see his usual message.
At some point even I was tempted to talk to him/her.
Ha ha... I share this because he replied to several of my questions and like you I was like .... yeah I got a reply!!! only to find out (in his/her opinion) how many Bazillions of dollars Qt was making and stealing from everyone.
I have to admit I read his/her first post to one of my questions fully and was trying to figure out what had set him/her off. At some point he/she moved from the dollars to like world hunger or something and was kind of inferring that Qt was responsible for that!
As far as reasoning with him, I used to dabble in Ham radio many years ago and we all learned that the best thing to do when a jammer came on the freq was to ignore him/her. The more attention you give them, the more it fuels there need to be destructive.