PySide: showing an base64 image on a QMainWindow [Resolved]
I'm looking for some guide because I'm really lost with pyside.I want to show an image, which I have it in base64, is like 150x150px and I get it from MySQL server , in a QMainWindow.
but I don't know how nor where should I start looking. :(Some googleing says that i should use:
but, for that i would need a web server, and it seems ugly, I think it must be a cleaner and easier way.Does anybody knows what type of widget from the QT designer widgets box i should use?
I'm currently using pyside with Ubuntu 10.10, designer-qt4 to do the design widgets, and python 2.6.6
Any info, suggestion, idea, anything will be appreciate.Grizmio.
[quote author="VCsala" date="1293047083"]I do not know how it works in python but in C++ I would just read it to a QByteArray, decode to raw data, load from it (with loadFromData) to QPixmap and show it on a QLabel.[/quote]
Yes, you are right as mentioned in "this": thread
thanks for the guide
I read
and I tried to mod the following example/code to work in pyside:@
QByteArray by = QByteArray::fromBase64("iV...........AABAgQIECBAgAABAgQIECBwrQLfmeUk6E23pFsAAAAASUVORK5CYII=");
QImage image = QImage::fromData(by, "PNG");
QLabel label;
@First, I created the call.base64 using:
$imgfile = "call.png";
$handle = fopen($imgfile, "r");
$imgbinary = fread(fopen($imgfile, "r"), filesize($imgfile));
$fw = fopen('call.base64', 'w');
fwrite($fw, base64_encode($imgbinary));
//echo '<img />';
@then using pyside:
imagen64 = open('call.base64','r').read()
imagen = QtGui.QImage()
bytearr = QtCore.QByteArray(imagen64)
print "devuelta:", imagen.loadFromData( bytearr, 'PNG' )
self.label.setPixmap( QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(imagen) )
print self.label.pixmap()
@but, doesn't this display anything.
if I set a text first in the label, it disappear when setting the pixmapwhen the next gets executed:
@print "devuelta:", imagen.loadFromData( bytearr, 'PNG' )@
it returns "devuelta: False"even if I use:
bytearr = QtCore.QByteArray("iV...........AABAgQIECBAgAABAgQIECBwrQLfmeUk6E23pFsAAAAASUVORK5CYII=")
@doesn't work.
thanks for your time and help[EDIT: added @-tags for code formatting, Volker]
yes, you are righ there is a fromBase64 method, but even if I change it, still don't work.
maybe I'm using a bad encoded image.
Now I'm using:
bytearr.fromBase64( imagen64 )
@if I run it, the print bytearr.length() prints 0
here's the actual method:
def getImage(self):
imagen64 = open('call.base64','r').read()
print "#############################"imagen = QtGui.QImage() bytearr = QtCore.QByteArray() bytearr.fromBase64( imagen64 ) pprint.pprint( bytearr.length() ) print imagen.loadFromData( bytearr, 'PNG' ) self.label.setPixmap( QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(imagen) ) print self.label.pixmap() # self.label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom | QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) print "DONE"
here is the photo/image, maybe someone could encode it just for check:
here you could find the magic string
"image in base64 with php": ideas?anything will be appreciate :)
[EDIT: fixed image tag, Volker]
In C++ Qt fromBase64() is a static function, i.e. it returns a the decoded data, but does not manipulate the data of an instance. Maybe there is something similar in Python, I don't know.
Naively I would try
bytearr = QtCore.QByteArray.fromBase64( imagen64 )
@but I don't know if this is valid Python syntax.
a nice blind guess!
if someone else wants to do the same, or is searching for an example:
def getImage(self):
imagen64 = open('call.base64','r').read()
imagen = QtGui.QImage()
bytearr = QtCore.QByteArray.fromBase64( imagen64 )
imagen.loadFromData( bytearr, 'PNG' )
self.label.setPixmap( QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(imagen) )
call.base64 is a file containing the base64 string with no CR nor LF, with a string of length:1888
encoded using php:
$imgfile = "call.png";
$handle = fopen($imgfile, "r");
$imgbinary = fread(fopen($imgfile, "r"), filesize($imgfile));
$fw = fopen('call.base64', 'w');
fwrite($fw, base64_encode($imgbinary));
with imports:
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui