[SOLVED] ProgressBarStyle in a styling Singleton
I've been trying various ways to switch out the style of a ProgressBar to indicate an error state. I've tried setting the style in a PropertyChanges, both created there or referenced by id, I've tried using Bindings as well as Loaders and Bindings and finally now a style singleton. I like the Singleton approach best, but I cannot make it work either. Here's my Singleton's code:
@pragma Singleton
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1QtObject {
property ProgressBarStyle progressBarErrorStyle: ProgressBarStyle {
background: Rectangle {
radius: 2
color: "lightgray"
border.color: "gray"
border.width: 1
implicitWidth: 200
implicitHeight: 20
progress: Rectangle {
color: "orangered"
border.color: "red"
}@The problem is, when I use progressBarErrorStyle in any of my QML files, its type is ProgressBarStyle_QMLTYPE_17.
I've asked a couple of questions on Stackoverflow related to what I'm trying to do, so I figured I'd try here...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23121106/qml-property-is-nullWhat am I missing, is it even possible to swap out a ProgressBar's style at runtime?