[Solved] how to convert QDateTime to GMT Unix Stamp
I am trying to convert QDateTime to Unix Time Stamp
QDateTime PubDate = audioFile->GetPublishingdate();
uint UTC_Time = PubDate.toTime_t();
For Today,s date "Mon 22. Sep 00:00:00 2014" I am getting this 1411358400 TimeStamp Generated
if i use this website http://www.epochconverter.com/ to check timestamp it is correct if I select Local Time but I want to generate timestamp according to GMT Time Which is 1411344000 for today's Date. I tried various other things.
I am not getting how to get this time stamp
Thanks for help in advance
PubDate is using local time. You need to tell it to use UTC (GMT) time before you call toTime_t()
See the "QDateTime documentation":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qdatetime.html for info about time zones and Qt::TimeSpec