[solved] Hide Dialog-Window after opening new Dialog-Window
how can I hide a Dialog-Window after opening a new Dialog-Window from it ?
My Storyboard looks like this (its like a wizard but i dont want to use the QWizard class):
MainWindow -> Button -> Dialog Window -> I fill some Data in the line edit and press a button -> new Dialog Window opens , the old should close but it still in the backgground.
I'm doing it like this:
void Konfig_einrichtung::on_pushButton_clicked()
{//open next window konfig_einrichtung_betriebsart winbetr; winbetr.setModal(true); winbetr.exec(); //close this window after new is open close();
@or is there a other way?
I attached a pic too: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-24486201/Unbenannt.jpg.html
Sam -
Why you do not hide them? or use a signal and slot. I do not think that you can close it (this->accept(); or this->reject();) because of the parent reference. unless you take care of the parent and always set the parent to be the mainWindow. the you can use signal and slots to close it.
thank you.
which signal and slot should I use?Sorry I'm a newbie, thats the first time I ask about help for Qt.
I found a tutorial and build up a project.
It works now.You can find it here: http://www.file-upload.net/download-9480663/untitled.zip.html
ok then can you mark it as [SOLVED] in the main post title