Embed an application inside a Qt Window [SOLVED]
Well think I am now getting the correct ID (using find window). However code builds but just plays the video outside of the window. I must be getting very close however as not getting the same functional errors (no windows are crashing etc).
@ WId id = (WId)FindWindow(NULL, L"Mplayer");
//if (!id)
// return -1;QString program; program = "C:\\Users\\Downloads\\MPlayer\\mplayer.exe"; QStringList arguments; arguments << "-vo directx:noaccel" << "-wid " << QString::number((int)winId()) << "C:\\Users\\Downloads\\big_buck_bunny_480p_surround-fix.avi"; QProcess *m_process = new QProcess(this); m_process->setProgram(program); m_process->setArguments(arguments); m_process->start(); QWindow *container = QWindow::fromWinId(id); QWidget *program_start = QWidget::createWindowContainer(container); QMessageBox test; test.setText(QString::number(id)); test.exec(); setCentralWidget(program_start); program_start->setMinimumSize(400,400); program_start->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Expanding); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(program_start); program_start->setLayout(layout);
Currently what happens if I only pass the video file name to arguments the video will play. If I include the -wid and or -vo the program no longer runs, if anyone has an idea where I am going wrong please let me know. As currently thinking I have two problems one being my mplayer parameters and the other being related to the container (again not sure though what exactly is the problem line). Thanks for everyones help so far.
From the mplayer man page
-wid <window ID> (also see -gui-wid) (X11, OpenGL and DirectX only)
This tells MPlayer to attach to an existing window. Useful to embed MPlayer in a browser (e.g. the plugger extension). This option fills the given window completely, thus aspect scaling, panscan, etc are no longer handled by MPlayer but must be managed by the application that created the window.
@-wid takes a window id of your app or widget and mplayer will use it to output a video. But you will have to control "aspect scaling, panscan, etc".
Take a look on the sources of "smplayer":http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/ I think they use this embeded mplayer approach.
Yea sadly my problem isn't really related to what "-wid" does but why when adding it to the parameters does it not show any video. Either way to give you an idea smplayer is actually where i started this adventure and even they use the same method i do.
Below is the code of smplayer that inserts the "-wid" into the arguement/parameter list.
@ proc->addArgument("-wid");
#if defined(Q_OS_OS2)
#define WINIDFROMHWND(hwnd) ( ( hwnd ) - 0x80000000UL )
proc->addArgument( QString::number( WINIDFROMHWND( (int) mplayerwindow->videoLayer()->winId() ) ));
proc->addArgument( QString::number( (qint64) mplayerwindow->videoLayer()->winId() ) );@and sadly what it looks like to me is that they are using the same method to insert the winID as I have(apart from adding that define before winid). So not really sure what else it might be. Could be a mplayer problem i guess so going to test it tonight to see if i get the same problems on a different machine.
Thanks for the quote on "-wid" even though I knew that already it will be really helpful for anyone trying to follow this forum post. Hopefully at some point I'll be able to solve it so it's a little more useful than completely useless :P
lol you did actually it was me who made the mistake and still had my program independant method (that's the fromwinid method). Helps if i actually use the winid of the container not mplayer itself :P.
Well sadly it looks like I can't get either way to work, but yea think the other method is meant to work in general and the implementation below is supposed to work with mplayer, but failing with application errors atm oh fun.
@ QWindow *container;
WId winid = container->winId(); //QWindow *container = QWindow::fromWinId(winid); QWidget *program_start = createWindowContainer(container); QString program; program = "E:\\Downloads\\mplayer\\mplayer.exe"; QStringList arguments; arguments << "-wid" << QString::number(winid) << "E:\\Downloads\\BigBuckBunny_320x180.mp4"; //QStringList arguments; //arguments << "E:\\Downloads\\BigBuckBunny_320x180.mp4"; QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Test2"); QPushButton *button2 = new QPushButton("Test"); QProcess *m_process = new QProcess(); m_process->setProgram(program); m_process->setArguments(arguments); m_process->start();
Any advice on either method would be good really.
This code works on Linux.
I created a simple QMainWindow app added QWidget on it in designer and couple QPushButton to start and stop the player.
This is a
void MainWindow::on_playButton_clicked()
if (m_process == nullptr) {
QStringList arguments;
arguments << "-wid" << QString::number(ui->widget->winId())
<< m_fileName;
m_process = new QProcess();
}void MainWindow::on_stopButton_clicked()
if (m_process != nullptr) {
delete m_process;
m_process = nullptr;
@ -
Well that's kind of weird (but hopeful) I can hear the audio and the widget appears but it's completely green(which is a good sign as it's the same green you get when moving an mplayer screen) , did also try a widget within a widget but got the same result just without the green widget only problem was I couldn't call "program_start->show();" otherwise just crashed on runtime with memory errors. Wish I was doing it on Linux would make my life so much easier :P, pretty sure this is a windows specific problem though but gonna play with a linux implementation anyway as it's a handy thing to know. Hopefully I can resolve these issues and get back to actually coding something, instead of banging my head against a wall :P.
@ //QWindow *container = null_ptr;
// WId winid = container->winId();
//QWindow *container = QWindow::fromWinId(winid);
//QWidget *program_start = new QWidget();
WId winid = this->winId();
QString program;program = "E:\\Downloads\\mplayer\\mplayer.exe"; QStringList arguments; arguments << "-wid" << QString::number(winid) << "E:\\Downloads\\BigBuckBunny_320x180.mp4"; //QStringList arguments; //arguments << "E:\\Downloads\\BigBuckBunny_320x180.mp4"; QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Test2"); QPushButton *button2 = new QPushButton("Test"); QProcess *m_process = new QProcess(this); m_process->setProgram(program); m_process->setArguments(arguments); // program_start->show(); this->show(); m_process->start();
After a bit of playing with mplayer I have found it's because you also need to change in the config and change the default render method. config listed below
@# Write your default config options here!
#-wid 1234
#vo=sdl@you can't use directx otherwise you'll just see a green screen. Currently using opengl and it seems the fastest for this usage.
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