OpacityMask doesn't work for me ... what am I missing?
I downloaded the images & used the QML code from the OpacityMask documentation page (qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtgraphicaleffects-opacitymask.html) but it isn't doing what I expect. I though I would end up with a mostly red screen with a butterfly-shaped picture of a bug, but what I get instead is a boring square picture of a bug (on a red screen). There are no warnings in the console that would indicate the problem. Am I just mis-understanding the purpose of OpacityMask?
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0Item
id: screen
anchors.fill: parentRectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "red" } Item { id: hole anchors.fill: parent Image { id: bug source:"qrc:/Bug.png" sourceSize: Qt.size(parent.width, parent.height) smooth: true visible: false } Image { id: mask source:"qrc:/Butterfly.png" sourceSize: Qt.size(parent.width, parent.height) smooth: true visible: false } OpacityMask { anchors.fill: bug source: bug maskSource: mask } }
@[edit: added missing coding tags @ SGaist]
Make sure the image source files are in the resources.
QtCreator must have shown the error in the console when you run the application. -