[SOLVED]How to configure Beautifier?
After activating Beautifier plugin I tried to use Artistic Style by input this in Artistic configuration
[code]/usr/bin/astyle --style=gnu[/code]
but Qt Creator shows me this error message whenever I call Artistic:
[code]Error in Beautifier: Cannot get configuration file for Artistic Style.[/code]
How can I fix this issue?
- I don't want to write astyle by myself otherwise what's the benefit of Beautifier?!
- I use Qt Creator 3.1.0
- Mint 16 Cinnamon x64
- Qt 5.2.1
Hi mbnoimi,
you only define the path to the executable "/usr/bin/astyle" then you define the option at the bottom under "Use self-defined style" there you click add and then type "--style=gnu".
A documentation can be found here: http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qtcreator-3.1/creator-beautifier.html