[closed] Dependency issues with subdirs and libraries
I have a project that has a main application and two libraries. I have created a top level subdirs project that is supposed to bind everything together.
Everything is working great except that if I make any modifications in either of my two libraries, they don't get compiled in the main app unless I compile twice or rebuild. Annoying.
Here is the project file for my subdirs project:
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS += ../Underworld ../Horus ../Lotus
Underworld.subdirs = Underworld
Horus.subdirs = HorusHorus.depends = Underworld
Lotus.depends = Underworld
Lotus.depends = Horus
@I got the direction to set this up from another site. But the dependency issues don't seem 100% resolved. Any help would be appreciated.
Whoops. This issue got double posted. My first attempt seemed to fail. So I retyped under another post. But now we know otherwise ;)